Sophie Ellis-Bextor - "Freedom of the Night" + The Invisible Line (TBD)

Saw her live in Vancouver, and she was amazing. The venue was quite packed, and her setlist was good (if not heavy with Wanderlust via song wheel). I wish "Me & My Imagination" was selected for the roulette though! The funny thing was that we went to Victoria the following day to visit friends, and they were talking about seeing TLC later at a music festival. On the drive back to the hotel, we heard the faint sound of "Music Gets the Best of Me". Turns out Sophie was playing a set a Rifflandia, the same festival that TLC were playing. This is the closest I have ever been to being a roadie.
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She's going back again to the US in November! So happy she has done well enough to tour this much there. I wonder if this will also align with some promo for the new music.
All the articles that covered the ad campaign mentioned the single would be out later this month. So I’m guessing it’s either that or early/mid October. It would make sense to do that. She has more live performances lined up till the end of the year. She could continue to promote the song for the rest of the year and release a second single in January.
I was just about to post this. I'm also really happy that she has resumed Spinning Plates as well.

I take back all the complaining I did before the Trip and Scene albums. I feel bad that I called her lazy - she's quite the opposite! Honestly, I haven't come across a popstar as hard working as Sophie.

And yes, in my eyes, she truly is a popSTAR!

There's a new pink pressing of Songs From the Kitchen Disco available on her store.
