Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Hana

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I just don't know what to do with any of these songs.

"Hypnotised" excited me again after feeling quite detached from my previous Sophie fandom, actually the "Crying at the Discotheque" cover really grew on me too, but I feel now like we're back-peddling again and revisiting a sound with diminishing returns. "Breaking The Circle" is by no means a bad song, and it's certainly not that I don't enjoy more indie-led sounds, but the resurgence in mainstream fame that Kitchen Disco gave her was surely the perfect time to release you know, a disco record? It feels like a missed opportunity.

I think there's a great song somewhere in "Everything Is Sweet" but maybe Ed just wasn't the man for the job. It just sounds so flat and lifeless to me, and for some reason I just don't feel like revisiting it. I just imagine the magic that Richard X would have brought.

Is it just me?
Stuck at work at the moment, but I do like what I've heard so far. I'll have a proper listen tonight and report back.
I see people reaching for the "It sounds better in this weather" or "It'll make sense as an album". Rarely a good sign.

I actually really enjoyed her last two albums; I just don't think this material is anywhere near as strong, but just my opinion.
Well, it's truly tragic that most of you don't seem to be enjoying this - because THIS IS GLORIOUS! That chorus! WOW! 3 songs from the album - all 3 songs sound so different from each other.

It sounds like I thought it would when I heard that 15 second snippet! And it sounds just like the title suggests. I LOVE THIS. Well done, Soph!
This is my favourite of the three! Far from what I was expecting from the album after "Hypnotized" was released last year, but there's no denying it's a beautiful song.
This is so good. Lovely, melodic, feel-good with a slight wistfulness. Some people clearly only want synthpop from her and that's fine. But weak these singles are not. This is shaping up to the best album of the trilogy by a distance.
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