Spider-Man (including Madame Web, Kraven, Venom, Spider-Verse)

Also, as heartbreaking as it was for May to die, it didn’t half give Tom Holland so much more to work with than in the first two films.

I really hope we get a second trilogy now, I don’t know where they’ll go from here as I can’t imagine MJ and Ned will remember him?
he / him
I loved this, but upon further reflection, I loved it less for its story and more because it was fan-service galore.

And the gag of them finally getting Tom Hardy's Venom into the MCU, only to use him as a throwaway gag in a post-credit scene.
he / him
Also, was it just me that was disappointed that the second post-credit scene wasn't a post-credit scene per se and more of a trailer instead? Although, I guess that Dr Strange talking to Wanda at a farm isn't exactly the most exciting way to build hype for Dr Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness.
Also, as heartbreaking as it was for May to die, it didn’t half give Tom Holland so much more to work with than in the first two films.

I really hope we get a second trilogy now, I don’t know where they’ll go from here as I can’t imagine MJ and Ned will remember him?

I feel like the purpose of this was to tie up his more Marvel based story and then create a new trilogy centered more on the Spidey-verse characters.
I thought that was fucking great! I haven't seen the Tobey films since I was a child and never saw Andrew's (despite loving him) but hearing the cinema cheer when they finally appeared really made me excited. I thought the ending was really sad and actually got quite emotional. Tom and Spiderman were my intro to the MCU in 2017 and I'm going to miss these characters a lot. The plot was spotty and the ending left a lot of questions but wow what a thrilling experience in the cinema.
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Credit to Andrew Garfield for keeping up the whole ''I'm NOT in the new Spider-man movie'' spiel.

I enjoyed the movie. I've seen all the Spider-man movies thus far so it was nice to link them all together and yes there was a tonne of fan service going on but I really didn't mind it.

I had issues with Electro - just a rubbish character and not very well acted. I also didn't quite get why Sandman was helping Peter at the start, seemed quite tame and then suddenly was fighting with the rest of the bad guys?

The rest was just great fun and Tom put in his best performance of Peter Parker so far.
Also what a waste of Tom Hardy's venom!
Tom Hardy is already a waste of Tom Hardy's Venom to be honest. I really hope MCU's venom is someone much better. Those Venom movies are ass.

It’s definitely an American thing to cheer and clap at brilliant moments, but this packed cinema in Wales went absolutely bananas at the reveal of Andrew and Tobey.

Aw, i love this so much.

For me it was a 9.5/10. I could change a lot about this movie but it was such a fun love letter to Spider-Man fans. I love the reboot of Tom's Spidey. Now he can start fresh and as a true loner.

Seeing Wanda in the MOM trailer was incredible. The power!

Crazy how up and down Phase 4 has been so far, but i'm really excited for the next stuff. Moonknight is rumored to come out in early '22.
he / him
Something that might be overlooked amongst the sea of fan service was when Wong mentioned that he was now the Sorcerer Supreme since Steven Strange was blipped. That explains why Wong has been significantly more active within the MCU and I wonder if this has any impact within the narrative of Dr Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness.
I thoroughly enjoyed this! The fan service was absolutely amazing and the three Spidermen bantering had some really hilarious moments. Willem Defoe is just...one of the best villains ever.

I disagree that the plot was terrible - Peter has always been extremely naive and doesn't really think about the bigger picture, and he needed to make these mistakes to grow. I enjoyed the idea that all of these villains actually had an ailment that could be fixed by Stark technology.
Also, was it just me that was disappointed that the second post-credit scene wasn't a post-credit scene per se and more of a trailer instead? Although, I guess that Dr Strange talking to Wanda at a farm isn't exactly the most exciting way to build hype for Dr Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness.
Except that Wanda is now one of the most popular characters in the MCU. Just seeing the videos online of audiences reacting to her appearance confirms that.
The cinema went a bit more wild for Andrew, purely because he was the first reveal and it was more of a moment - taking off the mask to reveal his face. Tobey’s was more understated but still got a huge reaction.

There’s a sequence of the three of them swinging together in the final battle which gave me goosebumps.

Yeah, the same thing happened in mine when Andrew pulled his mask off.

And that sequence when they swing together/work as a team got an even louder response from my screening than the reveal of Andrew and Tobey. Reminded me of Endgame when Steve wields Mjonir against Thanos.

I loved it. I didn't really like the pacing at the beginning, it felt kind of rushed/disjointed with such short scenes but once it got going I was super excited. My theater was into it. I can't wait to go back and watch it again after Christmas when the crowds die down a bit. I did kind of dose of a bit lol, having an 11 pm screening after being up since 6:30 am, working an AM shift and having a really filling dinner with a few cocktails probably wasn't the best recipe.
Just got back home from seeing it and I really enjoyed it. Sorry everyone, I am not immune to fan service! There were some problems obviously just like there are with every Marvel film but the emotional pay off works so well for me because they have spent three movies kind of luring us into a sense of security. It's an MCU movie, Uncle Ben is already gone and Peter's already Spider-Man so they wouldn't do that to Aunt May! His relationship with Tony is instrumental to the character in the universe (to a terrible fault and apparently the movie was aware of that given the 'Iron Man Jr.' headline that flashes during the first few minutes of the film) so they wouldn't erase it. But they did and they took the character back to his roots. It's exciting to think about Tom Holland being able to play a Peter Parker that had all of this and lost it and still carries on.

Alfred Molina and Willem Dafoe gave the best performances as the villains and it's not surprising. I loved that they gave Green Goblin that purple sweater with the really dramatic hood (I just like the way the MCU brings those comic book costumes to life and makes them look good). I felt genuinely scared during the whole action sequence in the apartment building and was devastated when he lost May. I thought they used Strange well and it's probably Cumberbatch's best performance in the MCU so far (never thought I'd compliment the guy but hey maybe my love of Power of the Dog is influencing my feelings here a bit).

Zendaya and Tom and Jacob are the perfect trio and their goodbyes broke me. I never wanted the scenes between the three Peter's to end. Their interactions were perfectly silly but also touching and it was fun to see the different ways each actor portrays the inherent awkwardness of "Peter Parker"
he / him
Except that Wanda is now one of the most popular characters in the MCU. Just seeing the videos online of audiences reacting to her appearance confirms that.
Would the farm scene have been enough for you? I'm not doubting Wanda's popularity, but that scene alone would be underselling the sheer insanity that'll be Multiverse Of Madness.
A really fantastic film - and I echo the sentiment that Andrew Garfield was the best thing about it. What a great performance.

Don’t know what people criticising the writing are on about. This has some of the best writing I’ve seen in the MCU.

And although the plot has plenty of holes, I don’t think it’s many more than any other superhero film; it’s paced so well that I didn’t really mind.
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