Square Enix - FFXIV: Dawntrail

Entering the Golden Saucer and being thoroughly entertained by the impromptu dance off.. to only be dragged into another mini-game. Seeing as the OG Gold Saucer was full of mini-games I can only imagine what hair pulling-ly frustrating mini-games this one has dd
The mini games sure are a lot but seeing that the vast majority are skippable, I don’t actually mind them?
Yeah I feel the same. You don't really have to, you can lose and it is not the end of the world. I do hate how some weapons are locked behind some high score though, they could have put them in shops later on.
Chapter 9 is another highlight

They really showed Cloud going over the edge. They way he dogded the buillets like a cocky bastard and then killed everyone in cold blood. Then realizing what he has done to Tifa.

Tifa in the Lifestream was done so well, it makes sense, it will be easier for her to help Cloud in the future. Its nice she knows the truth about the incident, in the book its clear she doesn't remember anything and that Cloud took the blame on himself.

Great, now we have black and white Whispers, just what we need haha!

I have seen comments how Sephiroth tried to save Tifa. I definitely didn't see it that way, he wanted to kill her.

I have to say I definitely wasn't expecting that the devs would go there now and show Cloud and Tifa almost kissing, I thought they would tease romance stuff until the very end but they are more clear with what Cloud feels and how he interacts with others. I love the little moment between Cloud and Barret, where Cloud says he will be there for him.

I bet this non optional scene will lit the fire on the debate once again, its hilarious how people are still getting worked up 27 years later. Its ok to have a different preference but the arguing is pretty toxic sometimes.
I still have to play Octopath 2. The first one of is one of my fav JRPGs ever. The grind was real though, so I probably will play the second during the summer when I’m off work.
Some of the minigames seem very daunting at first, but I've seen a quite clear "getting better at this"-curve with all of them. I was awful at the piano minigame the first couple of attempts but I noticed getting better and better with each try.

Except the cactuar brawls. Fuck the cactuar brawls.
...And fuck the mooglets ugh! Mischief 4 AND time limitation, are you kidding me? Even when you gather them, the shitheads throw things at you. I am scared to think what will the last two chalenges bring...

I am not very good with my reflexes so I don't bother too much with piano, the highest I can get is rank C.
...And fuck the mooglets ugh! Mischief 4 AND time limitation, are you kidding me? Even when you gather them, the shitheads throw things at you. I am scared to think what will the last two chalenges bring...

I am not very good with my reflexes so I don't bother too much with piano, the highest I can get is rank C.
I haven’t done a ton of the piano stuff yet but I was also approaching them through reflexes, but I think what’s easier is to treat them like actual partitions and ‘learn’ the songs.
Finished the story and

I'm still digesting the ending outside of "Tetsuya Nomura happened", but most of what lead up to it was great. The Trials were genuinely some of my favourite storytelling in a videogame, I had to stop for a moment after Aerith's.

I feel like they nailed the final boss stuff a lot better than Remake, and it felt genuinely climactic. The lead up was a bit more mixed in terms of bosses, I feel like the game suffered from too many human bosses, and throwing in another two in Chapter 13 felt like overkill (I may still be bitter about Rufus though).

There's a lot to love about the game, and there's so much ambition and effort gone into it, but I really would prefer Reunion is a tighter affair, or at least tie the side content in a little better to start resolving those narrative beats.
I realise everyone is on Rebirth, but I'm six hours into Intermission and... Lord, this is dry coming straight off Remake’s also dry endgame. I never want to see Sector 7 or the Shinra Building ever again, and the fights are just annoying.
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I just read the description the the last sidequest Can't Stop Wont Stop... Its insanity, I doubt I will be able to complete it.

By the way, does anybody find the 3D Brawler too hard? I just can't figure the moves, its frustrating. By the way, I am kind of sad there is no basketball in the Gold Saucer, I used to play that as a kid all the time for extra GP.
Do you mean the trial thing with Red? Because I’ve just started it…?

Edit: Oh it wasn’t but this boss battle is HARD. I keep dying at the final bit.
Yeah when I say boxes I’ll add Cait Sith to that then you’ll see what I mean. Oh is that the Gi boss? Yeah it’s very tricky
By the way, does anybody find the 3D Brawler too hard? I just can't figure the moves, its frustrating.

There are two ways to "cheat" this. I've seen people who pause the moment the other brawler initiates their move, to collect themselves and then dodge after un-pausing.

The other cheat is that the opponents' movesets are actually fixed combos.
Head Case VR is infuriating. Not because Mindflyer is that hard, its because you have to kill him first. Sleep lasts for like 20 seconds so you have to constantly look out for those 2 adds that you either kill first or they self destruct. Its so frustrating, I think I just might quit.
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