That’s SO close! I can’t bear it!300 behind. Make sure you’ve downloaded the digital albums if you’ve bought them as they don’t count if you haven’t.
Give us the Steve Anderson Tour Mix Edition!
That’s SO close! I can’t bear it!300 behind. Make sure you’ve downloaded the digital albums if you’ve bought them as they don’t count if you haven’t.
Just download the zip file. They can’t see where you’re putting it.Jesus that's uncomfortably close. Do you need to download the zipped files only or ingest it into your itunes for it to count?
They've classed it as an exclusive which would now go against advertising rules but they would only have to change it slightly. Also submissions have to be sent to official charts 1 full working day before release so anything they would have to pull out of their sleeves would already be plannedI think they’re missing out on sales by not putting the new collections on iTunes, or is that not allowed?
It's more like 600 who haven't downloaded yet. I don't get why you'd buy something then not download it.I think the panic seems to suggest that more have bought it and may not have downloaded. Maybe they know 150 people haven't downloaded them which could help snatch it.
It appears multiple times in my download 1 each as a zip along with mp3 only files and then again with mp3 & flac options without a zip option so maybe they are only tracking one lot (i have downloaded everything just incase included the solo download covers)It's more like 600 who haven't downloaded yet. I don't get why you'd buy something then not download it.
If I download every digital copy I have, for example the standard, each individual members CD and the 2 new deluxe ones - do they each count as a sale?