Tate McRae - "Sports car" + So Close To What (Feb 21)

Despite whatever criticisms I’ve agreed with and whatever I’ve said about the production, I let all 3 songs play back to back and it felt excellent and I was moving. Like…I’m sorry but I’m showing up every single time. ‘Sports car’ did have ‘2 hands’ crown shifting ever so slightly on the second run through of the songs but it remains my favorite of the 3. I just love the drums and the video is my favorite, as well. I think the ‘Sports car’ video would edge it out if it had a full choreo moment like the former does. I’ve always had a sports car obsession and my thing for f1 drivers comes back around regularly so it’s fun to see a pop girly also seemingly obsessed with that?? That’s what caught me off guard about the ‘2 hands’ video and why I really like it.
Oh when I'm promised some Buttons / Strictly Physical mash-up realness and this is exactly what I get served...


Maybe I'm a little McDonalds Teeter Totter too afterall...or whatever her fans are called x
I wasn't sure about that chorus based on just the snippets from before but it works perfectly with the full song (much like with It's ok I'm ok). I'm obsessed.
This song is the most perfect 2:45 mins slice of pop. It’s dark but also weirdly uplifting, especially those pre-choruses… I’m ascending. The layered whispering vocals, very peak 2000s, but wildly suit Tate’s image and music stylings. I’d be really surprised if this doesn’t become her biggest hit.
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