The Ashlee Simpson vs. Lindsay Lohan Rate - I Didn't Steal Your Boyfriend

And there it goes! Burning out in a beautiful blaze of teenage drama queen glory!!! Lola Steppe would be proud of my 10.


I almost wish I had given it my 11 now, that would've been some great crash & burn drama queen stuff! In all honesty I knew it'd be gone soon, so I probably wisely decided to save my 11 for a more 'worthy' song.
Trying to be someone....


...that you know you're not...




Harder Everyday

(16th out of 16 from Autobiography)
*International Bonus Track*

Highest: 9 (@RUNAWAY)
Lowest: 3 (@Hurricane Drunk)​

god this was so hard to track down back in the day. LOVE this song. It was worth all the effort to find it you know back when Limewire was a thing.

CasuallyCrazed - 7.25
Call me crazy, but this would, in fact, make an amazing Hilary Duff single. Dioguardi by the numbers, but I'm here for it.

Seventeen Days - 7
Okay, why was this only a bonus track? I actually like this better than at least 3 tracks on the album, and it would have fit in with the vibe really well. Those pizzicato strings, yes please.

pop3blow2 - 7
Pizzicato strings, FTW. What an odd little song! It’s like two completely mediocre songs spliced together into one Mighty Morphin Mediocre Mashup. So glad this wasn’t on the record, it would’ve made me think less of it.

DJ Hazey - 7
The 'plink plonkiness' of the production is low-key iconic, but the rest of it sounds like a average demo.

Music is Life - 7
This was kinda boring, but also had some weird production choices I liked.

niccolo - 6.3
This is ok but it’s disjointed and makes me a bit nervous. I like the production and love the plucked strings at the beginning.

Sprockrooster - 6
Not exactly how I would have wanted my album to end. So let me end it with Undiscovered instead.

orbison - 5
It starts off with some potential. The production in the verses is cute, but then once the chorus kicks in where down into some middle-of-the-road caucasian teen rock territory... it's tough to get through.

imaduck - 5
Good verses, and the production actually stands up.

iheartpoptarts - 4
Almost sounds like more of a demo than a bonus track.

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I didn't know what to do with that medley either, it's pretty much what @iheartpoptarts said. (See, isn't it better when we agree?) I really cannot complain with any of the exits thus far.
Do you remember the promo medley they made for Bittersweet World. I have it in my librabry and I do not think it was illegal as it was on the website then, but cant find it on the internet now. It wa s amazing.
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Occasionally on this forum, I’m sure we make each other cringe with our questionable ‘taste’ & opinions. But I giggle with pop nerd glee when I see so many of my kind of people (the kind that will participate in a rate of Ashlee & Lindsay songs!) directly call attention to pizzicato strings, in regards to an Ashlee Simpson bonus track.

If anyone hasn’t told you all today, you’re basically the best.
I giggle with pop nerd glee when I see so many of my kind of people (the kind that will participate in a rate of Ashlee & Lindsay songs!) directly call attention to pizzicato strings, in regards to an Ashlee Simpson bonus track.

I was literally just about to say something about how I was so glad I wasn't the only one who paid attention to those strings!

God love this place for bringing music nerds together.
I'll have to Google what a pizzicato string is.

It's basically just when the musician of a stringed instrument plucks the strings rather than using the bow. Most keyboards since the the 90's though, have pretty generic sounding 'pizzicato' plucky synth sound... which I'm 99% sure is what was used on that Ashlee track.

It's a fun sound, that can get old pretty quick though if used a lot.

This lady on YouTube shows it pretty good.

I've been a bad bad girl....

I've been careless with a delicate man...




(15th out of 16 from Autobiography)

Highest: 9 (@jmmc13)
Lowest: 3 (@nebojsa)​

pop3blow2 - 7.5
Is this a Fiona Apple rate? That piano in the verses is straight out off one of her records. I do like Ash’s vocal on this song. I know her voice is an acquired taste, but I always really liked it. It’s super rough (& ‘rock & roll’... whatever that means), but it does have some sweet tones to it, too. Parts of this record brought that out the best.

DJ Hazey - 7
The opening instrumentals sound like Fiona Apple's "Criminal", otherwise pretty nondescript.

orbison - 7
This has a slight Beatles vibe to the pre-chorus that kinda sweet.

Music is Life - 7
This was kinda boring, but also kinda good.

iheartpoptarts - 7
What does this remind me of? I will report back. (EDIT: I’m back. It might possibly maybe be ‘Invisible’ by Lillix. Just a little bit.)

CasuallyCrazed - 6.5
Total rip of the Fiona / Courtney Love Lilith Fair rocker era but the sound works for her. Very weak chorus for Dioguardian standards though. I always forget how it goes as soon as its over.

Seventeen Days - 6
This track does veer back in the correct direction, and while I don’t love it, it’s at least enjoyable.

imaduck - 5.5

Sprockrooster - 4

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Unreachable really is a Kidz Bop 'Criminal', but I enjoy it. There's not a song on that first Ashlee Simpson album I don't at least like, but I was fully obsessed with it back in the day.
It's elimination time...

Autobiography's taking quite the hit early on...



Endless Summer

(14th out of 16 from Autobiography)

Highest: 9.5 (@RUNAWAY)
Lowest: 2 (@orbison)
*Japanese Bonus Track*

god what a great song. This absolutely should have made the main album instead of being literally JAPAN ONLY. so SO GOOD.

- 7.25
This feels like more of a proper album closer encore to me than "Undiscovered." It's also the type of song they played on every season finale of The Hills.

Seventeen Days
- 7.25
A good ballad to balance things out towards the end. Again, this should have been on the main track listing.

Music is Life - 7
This is a good mid-tempo I guess.

pop3blow2 - 7
An inoffensive ballad that is pretty meh, actually . I imagine this being on a Robin Sparkles album.

unnameable - 6.5
Not bad, but not particularly distinctive

Sprockrooster - 6
A bit of a drag at times, but the atmosphere is definitely alright. Why do tracks with the word 'endless' in the title feel like that?!

DJ Hazey - 5
Why couldn't this be a cover of Cascada's "Endless Summer". This is pretty dull.

niccolo - 5
This album doesn’t really have a love ballad… Love Makes.. is close, but not really. This is cute and inoffensive.

orbison - 2
Bland pop rock alert.

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I'm fully aware that "Endless Summer" was actually a Siria song (which is a Cascada side project anyway) and came out later, but the sentiment stands. *Yawn* Next.
Endless Summer is a lovely, breezy moment that I inexplicably thought was a rumination on the loss of a loved one for years, and not about some dude with a guitar and frosted tips she briefly dallied with during a trip to California.
