Trying to be someone....
...that you know you're not...
Harder Everyday
(16th out of 16 from
*International Bonus Track*
Highest: 9 (
Lowest: 3 (
@Hurricane Drunk)
god this was so hard to track down back in the day. LOVE this song. It was worth all the effort to find it you know back when Limewire was a thing.
CasuallyCrazed - 7.25
Call me crazy, but this would, in fact, make an amazing Hilary Duff single. Dioguardi by the numbers, but I'm here for it.
Seventeen Days - 7
Okay, why was this only a bonus track? I actually like this better than at least 3 tracks on the album, and it would have fit in with the vibe really well. Those pizzicato strings, yes please.
pop3blow2 - 7
Pizzicato strings, FTW. What an odd little song! It’s like two completely mediocre songs spliced together into one Mighty Morphin Mediocre Mashup. So glad this wasn’t on the record, it would’ve made me think less of it.
DJ Hazey - 7
The 'plink plonkiness' of the production is low-key iconic, but the rest of it sounds like a average demo.
Music is Life - 7
This was kinda boring, but also had some weird production choices I liked.
niccolo - 6.3
This is ok but it’s disjointed and makes me a bit nervous. I like the production and love the plucked strings at the beginning.
Sprockrooster - 6
Not exactly how I would have wanted my album to end. So let me end it with Undiscovered instead.
orbison - 5
It starts off with some potential. The production in the verses is cute, but then once the chorus kicks in where down into some middle-of-the-road caucasian teen rock territory... it's tough to get through.
imaduck - 5
Good verses, and the production actually stands up.
iheartpoptarts - 4
Almost sounds like more of a demo than a bonus track.