The Ashlee Simpson vs. Lindsay Lohan Rate - I Didn't Steal Your Boyfriend

This next one is painful.


I live for the tears to fall down your face


I live for the words you finally say...



I Live for the Day

(6th out of 12 from A Little More Personal)

Highest: 10 x 3 (@CasuallyCrazed, @jmmc13, @nebojsa)
Lowest: 3 (@orbison)​

CasuallyCrazed - 10
This was the runner up for my 11. The desperation and longing in Lindsay's voice. I felt that. And Kara's songwriting has never been more of a cinematic force than it is in this song. This was the hit record A Little More Personal needed. Hell, this was the hit record My December needed. AND THAT KEY CHANGE!!!

spillet - 9
Love the lyrics: "I live for the day, I live the night, that you will be desperate and I am in sight." Unrequited love or Lindsay just waiting for her man to see some sense?

unnameable - 9
It’s a bit 80s hair metal, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. I love the verses.

Music is Life - 9
Another fun pop-rock song with lyrics that made me laugh, cause who hasn’t been there?

imaduck - 8
I live for Linds trying to be authentic rock.

DJHazey - 8
Not a terribly exciting chorus, considering how incredible those verses are. The way Lindsay sings the words at the end of each line as the instrumentals lift the song to new heights, is just amazing. Not top notch though because of that very average chorus.

Sprockrooster - 7
Girl is not playing around!

- 6.8
I used to really like this song, but right now i've reread the lyrics and I'm not really sure that it makes sense at all. Whatevs- it sounds angsty and has a big chorus. SOLD.

Seventeen Days - 6.5
I like the blippy synths on this, as well as the way the melody flows on the chorus. Not bad, not bad.

- 6
Meh. This song thinks it’s better than it really is. Decent rawk vocal from Lindsay, here, though.

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Who will be the one to save me?


Who will be the one who's there?


And not ashamed to see me crawl,

Who's gonna...



Catch Me When I Fall

(7th out of 15 from I Am Me)

Highest: 10 (@jmmc13, @nebojsa, @playboy69)
Lowest: 3 (@Ana Raquel)​

Untouchable Ace - 9.7
Who wants to have a cry?

pop3blow2 - 9
One of Ashlee’s best ballads. Feels very sincere. Reminds of of Britney’s Everytime a bit ( & that’s possibly my favorite Brit song).

orbison - 8.5
I'm doing my gay duty to raise awareness for the fact that she did perform at SNL again and she did this song. So I'll be the one to catch this song from unjustly falling to the lower half of this rate by giving it an 8.5.

Music is Life - 8.5
A lot of these songs must have been inspired after her SNL mishap. This is a pretty good mid-tempo type song.

unnameable - 8
Yas! Out Kelly-Clarkson that big ballad!

Sprockrooster - 8
The obligatory ballad just over halfway the album. Yeah, this is not something earth-shattering. Not even for a ballad. But it isn't just good filler either as it is a rarity in the Ashlee discography to have a great ballad. And because of that rarity this is more easily loved.

DJHazey - 8
Nice soft ballad with beautiful piano-work too.

Seventeen Days - 7
Ashlee’s voice really fits ballads quite beautifully, so they’re always gonna get a minimum of 7 from me.

spillet - 7
Drags a little bit for me…

niccolo - 6.3
I like this for what it is. It’s somewhat dubious to be playing some sort of victim to something bad that you did, but this is a good medium. The production is good and her voice shines for once.

CasuallyCrazed - 6
It's a well-written song, but it's almost too obvious & on-the-nose. Kara was clearly on Diane Warren autopilot that day. I also am not loving her deep throated vocal work on this.

imaduck - 4
I see what she's trying to do, but she is neither a good enough vocalist or writer to pull it off (Shadow aside)

Um what? How is this song first one to leave??? Popjustice showing no taste.
Just missing out on the Top 30...

It's a divisive one.

You don't want no problems
You ain't got no beef.




Rule Breaker

(5th out of 14 from Bittersweet World)

Highest: 10 x 3 (@DJHazey, @soratami, @Untouchable Ace)
Lowest: 3 (@Hurricane Drunk)​

Untouchable Ace - 10
Effortlessly cool.

DJHazey - 10
Oh that middle eight. My word is she off the charts with her crazy vocals there. I love how the best songs on this album are like purposely wild to the nth degree. Much like "Outta My Head", this delivers with all of Ashlee's little memorable bits throughout.

CasuallyCrazed - 9
I used to hate this 10 years ago for its abrasiveness, but over time it's morphed into a true favorite. I've realized this song is the perfect transitional bridge from pop-rock misfit Ashlee of the Kara era to experimental electro Ashlee of the Timba phase. This screamed second single rather than "Little Miss Obsessive," I really think it could have saved the whole campaign with the right push. Full of lyrically quotable gems ("drinking til my tummy ache") and what an absolute strange & enthralling vocal from her -- it rotates from hard rock shoutery to almost Geri Halliwell-esque level of theatrical camp during that middle 8.

Sprockrooster - 9
So spiky. I adore the lyric 'Colour Outside of the Lines'. I love how that was the working title for this album to begin with. They should have kept it like that.

spillet - 9
Another track that should have been huge. That anthemic chorus and, as often with Ashlee, a fantastic middle 8 "I'm Daddy's little girl, bundle of kisses, I'm just a princess, little miss perfect, everyone knows it..."

niccolo - 7.5
I really loved this when it came out; I think it was when the album was still going to be called Color Outside the Lines. These songs that toe the line with “””urban”” production mixed with the guitars are so interesting but are also confusing after the deliciously fleshed out sound of her albums past. I also wish that there was an extra HEY in the chorus :
I don't wanna fight (HEY) to-night (HEY HEY!)
would sound better.

Music is Life - 7.5
This could have been better than what it was lyrically, but I like the production.

iheartpoptarts - 7
This is all over the place, but it bops.

unnameable - 7
Love this fierce energy.

Seventeen Days - 5.5
Of course this was produced by Timbaland - it’s basically the same exact sound as Nelly Furtado’s “Maneater”. One-trick pony much?

pop3blow2 - 5.5
This is tongue & cheek campy right? Please tell me it is, because it not goes from not a very good song to cringey fake punk. I mean, telling me all things you do to be ‘rule breaker’ is a bit much, here, Ash. Pass.

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And we're cracking the Top 30.

Do you love me?
Oh do you love me?


I'd say so...



In Another Life

(6th out of 15 from I Am Me)

Highest: 10 x 4 (@CasuallyCrazed, @Hurricane Drunk, @RUNAWAY, @unnameable)
Lowest: 2 (@orbison)​

Runaway - 10
God, EVERY SINGLE TIME those opening guitar chords come on I get goosebumps. This song is so fucking good.

CasuallyCrazed - 10
I still remember when this was the original album title, then seeing the goth cover and thinking this song was going to be another "Shadow"-esque song about being an outcast loner. Then hearing it for the first time and it turned out to be an uplifiting lovesong about finding your soulmate. Still makes my heart melt all these years later. And I'm still upset this didn't stay the album title & opener, what a botched decision.

unnameable - 10
A beautiful song full of intense love.

Music is Life - 9
Another fun pop-rock song. I love the lyric “In another life you must have been mine.”

spillett - 8.5
Easily could have been lifted from Autobiography, this track is a highlight on I Am Me and should have been a single.)

Untouchable Ace - 8.2
This was probably in the running for lead single, or was it just up for album title?

Sprockrooster - 8
An essential track on this album to showcase the more rocky and edgy side of Ashlee's music.

pop3blow2 - 8
A bit too ‘Autobiography’ leftover sounding, for my taste… but damn… she sells it. It’s actually a pretty good little song. I’m actually surprised this wasn’t a single. Maybe, in anoth- *stop*.

niccolo - 7
I remember standing for this song hard when it came out but now it’s a bit dudley. “I’m breathing you” part of the bridge is a career highlight though.

Seventeen Days
- 6.5
On one hand this sounds like a leftover track from ‘Autobiography’, but on the other hand it really sounds like a different vibe for me? Either way, I can bop to this.

DJHazey - 6
The chorus is low key enjoyable with the repeated "in another life" but otherwise just filler.

imaduck - 5
Middle of the road.

orbison - 2
How this album went from such a strong opener to this still puzzles me.

I Am Me taking back to back hits.

You make me feel like fire


Is this love or just desire?



Burnin’ Up

(5th out of 15 from I Am Me)

Highest: 10 (@iheartpoptarts)
Lowest: 4 (@Hurricane Drunk)​

iheartpoptarts - 10
This is the bop of the album.

Sprockrooster - 9
I love how this track pre-ludes the sound we find more prominently on Bittersweet World. In fact, in an evolved form this track is turned into the brilliance of 'Murder'. Another case of Ashlee chanelling No Doubt, but now not so much on the nose as 'Just Let Me Cry'. Talent stanning talent.

orbison - 8.8
Ok, this is actually really cool sounding. Much cooler than her attempt for being cool with Bat for a Heart. It's effortless. Her vocals sound great. And yes, did I mention that it's cool?

CasuallyCrazed - 8.5
I think it's a proven statistic that every song called "Burning Up" is incredible. Ashlee serves sexy kitten vocal surprisingly well and she's never sounded so confident as she does on this. Britney would have been lucky to get a track like this.

imaduck - 8.5
This should have been album 2 blueprint, sack of the first album shit and lets do this.

pop3blow2 - 8
Some more L.O.V.E.-eque Ashlee-Funk-Rock-Disco. Not quite as successful as that song, but not horrible.

spillett - 8
Similar to L.O.V.E. it's another guilty pleasure kind of track. It's also another Gwen Stefani-like song. I suppose it's no coincidence that Love. Angel. Music. Baby was released just a year earlier...

Music is Life - 8
I love the production, especially the guitar throughout. This is kinda groovy, and the lyrics are good, but this kind of just made me want to listen to the Jonas brothers song of the same name. It's a little too long, though.

unnameable - 8
I adore the chorus.

Seventeen Days - 7.25
I love the funky 70s vibe of this one. I feel like her vocals fit this style of song very well, they really mesh with the vibe of the music.

DJHazey - 7
This was fun for a while, but the chorus that was once considered catchy became redundant sounding.

niccolo - 4.5
This song kind of does what it wants to, but not really.

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Deleted member 5343

Man, I've lost an 8 and 2 9's in the last 3 eliminations.... damn
And you're not who you used to be...


And I wonder where you've gone...




Black Hole

(5th out of 12 from A Little More Personal)

Highest: 10 x 4 (@CasuallyCrazed, @Hurricane Drunk, @Remorque, @unnameable)
Lowest: 3 (@orbison)​

CasuallyCrazed - 10
This truly is her December. It's interesting that this was supposed to be assigned to My December because I always thought of A Little More Personal as being so similar stylistically -- triggering this mix of desperation, resign, nostalgia, & depression. "Black Hole" hits those narratives home but wraps it up in a more accessible package.

unnameable - 10
I love the verses of this song and its gentle wistfulness.

Runaway - 9
God, the SCANDALS this song caused…….the audacity of asking Kelly Clarkson record it for My December, after it was already RELEASED by Lindsay. WOW. The song is really great though.

Music is Life - 9
Catchy, good lyrics and great production. I really like this one.

imaduck - 9
One of those songs that really did the rounds, did anyone have the I Nine album with this on, that was a great album.

spillett - 8.5
Quite a dark track, quite the contrast from the material on 'Speak'. Love the chorus.

Sprockrooster - 8
That chorus is fantastic.

pop3blow2 - 8
Much like her last album… track 2 is perfectly placed. It’s a solid rocker. Well written & solid production here.

Seventeen Days - 7
It’s been so long since I listened to this album - I’m pretty sure it was last back in 2005. But I do remember this one standing out, as I feel like the “edgy alt-rock girl” vibe of this really fit Lindsay’s voice well.

niccolo - 7
The big Kelly Clarkson single that never was.

iheartpoptarts - 5
That chorus is a LOT.

DJHazey - 5
Well it definitely fell into a black hole compared to the song before it.

orbison - 3
Yeah... not my kink.

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If you've ever wanted to hear Black Hole without the occasional struggle vocals:

(and it's one of the least angsty songs on their album...)
