And you're not who you used to be...
And I wonder where you've gone...
CasuallyCrazed - 10
This truly is her December. It's interesting that this was supposed to be assigned to
My December because I always thought of
A Little More Personal as being so similar stylistically -- triggering this mix of desperation, resign, nostalgia, & depression. "Black Hole" hits those narratives home but wraps it up in a more accessible package.
unnameable - 10
I love the verses of this song and its gentle wistfulness.
Runaway - 9
God, the SCANDALS this song caused…….the audacity of asking Kelly Clarkson record it for
My December, after it was already RELEASED by Lindsay. WOW. The song is really great though.
Music is Life - 9
Catchy, good lyrics and great production. I really like this one.
imaduck - 9
One of those songs that really did the rounds, did anyone have the I Nine album with this on, that was a great album.
spillett - 8.5
Quite a dark track, quite the contrast from the material on 'Speak'. Love the chorus.
Sprockrooster - 8
That chorus is fantastic.
pop3blow2 - 8
Much like her last album… track 2 is perfectly placed. It’s a solid rocker. Well written & solid production here.
Seventeen Days - 7
It’s been so long since I listened to this album - I’m pretty sure it was last back in 2005. But I do remember this one standing out, as I feel like the “edgy alt-rock girl” vibe of this really fit Lindsay’s voice well.
niccolo - 7
The big Kelly Clarkson single that never was.
iheartpoptarts - 5
That chorus is a LOT.
DJHazey - 5
Well it definitely fell into a black hole compared to the song before it.
orbison - 3
Yeah... not my kink.