DJHazey - 10
Now this is a cover I can work with! Anything Stevie touched sounds like pure magic and Lindsay surprisingly holds her own. Wig = lost in the atmosphere somewhere.
Music is Life - 10
I know this is a cover, so I can't credit her for the amazing-ness of this song, but it is great and her voice goes with it well, and I don't know the original.
imaduck - 10
One of the few covers that I actually really love, and also the song that eased me into fleetwood mac/stevie.
Sprockrooster - 10
Let me clearly state that the original is also a 10. Lindsay covering this song is definitely a magnificent song as it fits her teenpop esthetic and doesn't sound out of place on this album.
unnameable - 10
Generally I disapprove of Stevie Nicks as no-one can match Stevie’s voice, but Lindsay does an amazing job here.
Runaway - 9
Say what you will, I fucking love this cover.
spillett - 8
Enjoyable cover version and I like the subtle darkness, which works well among tracks such as 'Confessions', 'Black Hole' and 'If It's Alright.'
niccolo - 8
My parents are trash and don’t listen to music, so as a young teen, this was unfortunately my introduction to this song (i’m not counting Bootylicious or School of Rock cause those shouldn’t count) .
I now know and love the original, but this holds up. Honestly, it would have probably been slaughtered and hated on, but I feel like this version could have chopped a verse and been better.
pop3blow2 - 7.5
This is a solid cover. A much better choice for this record than I Want You To Want Me. The production is overall pretty good
orbison - 7.3
I know. The idea of LiLo covering Stevie Nicks sounds sacrilegious, but this is much better than it was supposed to be. Obviously, this is far from getting close to Stevie's masterpiece, but it's really decent.
CasuallyCrazed - 6
It's a flawless classic of a song and I love that Lindsay stans for Stevie Nicks harder than Misty Day, but this particular song choice is SO ambitious for Lindsay to take on, she kind of runs out of gas by the end and it ends up being one of the weaker moments vocally on the album.
iheartpoptarts - 4
I’m not one of those the-original-is-better people. I’m an I-never-liked-this-song-anyway person.
Seventeen Days - 1
Oh… CHILD. Stevie is coming to choke you with one of her shawls for this clownery.