Let's round out our Bottom 10.
*Willam voice* They're all bottoms!
Thomas O’Malley Cat
Highest Score: 9 x3 (
Lowest Score: 2 x2 (
My Score: 5
Only on Misandryjustice would this fairly inoffensive, smooth jazz number find itself in the bottom ten. I mean, I’m not complaining – it doesn’t exactly set the world on fire with excitement or intrigue, it’s just… there. O’Malley’s serving up your standard hero affair; suave and sophisticated, yet street-smart and worldly, with just that touch
too much self-confidence so it starts to border on sleaze and makes you think he’s overcompensating for something. You know the type. And lord knows you should never trust someone with that many names. Abraham DeLacey Giuseppe Casey Thomas O’Malley? Sis...
The song started out in life as an elaborate hot jazz – oop, sorry, just threw up in my mouth a little – number called “My Way’s The High Way”, complete with big band production and snazzy orchestration, but when the Sherman brothers left Disney, the filmmakers invited Terry Gilkison back to try and recreate the greatness he offered up with The Bare Necessities a few years earlier. This was the result. Well, you can’t win ‘em all, folks.
send photo snarls “what a fuckboy” I think he means it as a negative, but teebs I can’t relate ‘cause I harbour enough self-hatred for that to be my type. Just… preferably not feline, thanks. Speaking of men this forum finds particularly repulsive though,
constantino admits “I’m not usually into swing music but suddenly the Michael Buble is me…” Okay, I’m not
that bad.
MollieSwift21: “Love this scene, the vocals are very charismatic” and
Sprockrooster: “Loving all these Sinatra references” find themselves falling for O’Malley’s charms, but unsurprisingly, resident heterosexual
DJHazey is a bit more hesitant: “I don’t know what this is and whether I’m really sold by his act, but the rhyming names part is extremely catchy I must say.”
Raichu, however, offers up the exact opposite: “Charismatic, but I don’t find it that catchy.”, and
Daniel! adds “I love this film but the songs really aren’t the tea.”, while
Mina finds herself more enamoured with other musical heroes, arguing “Belle and Gaston are much better self-titled autobiographical songs.” You’re not wrong!
kalonite finds issue in the man behind the drawing – “You just can’t re-use Baloo’s voice in the VERY NEXT FUCKING FILM, guys” – so I doubt he’d be pleased to find out Phil Harris voices Little John in Robin Hood a few years later too. As the only one of you to offer up more than a single sentence,
LKane gets the final word this time. Take it away! “As the same case as The Bare Necessities, the actor who dubbed the Spanish version of the song was very famous during that time. He has a great voice and it gives a great personality to the character. But I find this song to be a bit boring, it is not a song that I would remember after watching it.”
Sorry O’Malley, you’re meowing up the wrong tree here.