The Eurovizh Alt-Song Contest 2018 - RESULTS TIME


Let's get these song reveals going...


Orgesa Zaimi – Ngrije zërin

Live performance:

Studio version:

What happened IRL?
I must admit I'm somewhat wilfully ignorant when it comes to the Albanian song selection. Probably something to do with a song like Suus being the country's best performing entry at the contest not making me care to follow their song selection process too closely. Orgesa made it to the grand final of Festivali i Këngës with her Rudimental-esque Ngrije zërin.

The only song that came close to beating it with our jury was Christina Aguilera impersonator Inis Neziri's Piedestal which finished in third place in Albania's final.​

Tamar Kaprelian - Poison (Ari, Ari)

Live performance:

Studio version:

What happened IRL?
One of the major shocks of this year's NF season was Tamar Kaprelian's Poison (Ari, Ari) crashing and burning at the first Depi Evratesil semi final. Despite being one of the Depi Evratesil songs which attracted the most pre show buzz, it wasn't enough to stop Tamar finishing in sixth place.

Our jury almost unanimously chose it however, with a couple of stray votes for Asmik late in the voting period.​

Shuma - Hmarki

Live performance:

Studio version:

What happened IRL?
The main kii to be had from the Belarusian song selection this year was Alekseev being allowed to continue in the competition despite performing a version of his song at concerts before the allowed date, breaking EBU rules. To get around this rule, the song was reworked into English and another competitor was so incensed that she withdrew from the running. Shuma's Hipsterjustice-bait of a song sailed into third place in the NF but that wasn't without having to rewrite part of the song which used part of an old Belarusian folk song.

Our jury votes were split between several different entries but a large presence of Hipsterjustice hunties on the panel sealed the deal for Hmarki.​
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Debbi - High On Love

Live Performance:


Studio Version:

What happened IRL?
Czech Hunter exclusive Mikolas Josef scored highly with both the jury and televote of Czechia's NF which left Debbi and High On Love to take second place.

Our jury votes were split completely between Debbi and my personal fave Eva Burešová and her derk bop Fly.​

KARUI - Signals

Live Performance:

Studio version:

What happened IRL?
Dansk Melodi Grand Prix goes from strength to strength and this year's batch of songs were mostly great contenders. In the end though Tormund Giantsbane, Martha from Bake Off, and for some reason the bald bro country guy made the superfinal. With no voting stats available, it's hard to say where KARUI finished up.

Jury votes were well spread with strong showings also for Sannie's Boys On Girls and CARLSEN's Standing Up For Love.
