The Eurovizh Alt-Song Contest 2018 - RESULTS TIME


Vanessa Iraci - Red Lights

Live performance:

Studio version:

What happened IRL?

Switzerland's ESC 2018 – Die Entscheidungsshow featured six... OK songs I guess and Zibbz' Stones was definitely the best of the bunch. For Vanessa's live performance she decided to borrow The Cube from ITV. Red Lights finished in third place.

Vanessa managed to win with our jury, attracting five votes. All the others barring Angie Ott poor dat received a single vote.​


Live performance:

Studio version:

What happened IRL?
Tayanna's Lelya was forever the runner up at Ukraine's Vidbir, coming second to MÉLOVIN in both the same semi-final and again at the grand final. Despite scoring the highest with the jury, Tayanna couldn't compete with the little mélovinsters who voted in their droves securing him the win.

Other votes from our jury went to Ukraininia's Forest Song and Mountain Breeze's I See You.​
Poor Forest Song, Party Voice, Portugal's Joana Barra Vaz and the other person you mentioned being a frontrunner in Poland's write-up whose name i've forgotten and decided not to go back a page to find out.

Asanda - Legends

Live performance:

Studio version:

What happened IRL?
Despite pre-performance buzz around Asanda's Legends (does a group of gays on the internet yassing it constitute buzz? whatever), and positive feedback from the judges at Eurovision: You Decide, because the British public were allowed to vote for something we fucked up again and chose AnNie and Storm. And as the BBC never release voting stats, we'll probably never know where Asanda placed but it better have been above Jaz and HY'GI3NE.

This was the one song that remained throughout the voting process as a unanimous choice with the jury. Not even a single misplaced thirst-vote for Liam Tamne. Well done girls.​
Congratulations to the guy from Shuma and Agoh for being the only male-identified people in a sea of solo women or, in some cases, a female duo. All Aboard!

Song List:

Orgesa Zaimi – Ngrije zërin | Live performance | Studio version
Armenia: Tamar Kaprelian - Poison (Ari Ari) | Live performance | Studio version
Belarus: Shuma - Hmarki | Live performance | Studio version
Czechia: Debbi - High On Love | Live performance | Studio version
Denmark: KARUI - Signals | Live performance | Studio version
Estonia: IIRIS & Agoh - Drop That Boogie | Live performance | Studio version
France: Emmy Liyana - OK ou KO | Live performance | Studio version
Germany: Ivy Quainoo - House On Fire | Live performance | Studio version
Greece: Areti Ketime - Min ksehnas ton ilio | Live performance | Studio version
Hungary: Tolvai Reni - Crack My Code | Live performance | Studio version
Iceland: Þórunn Antonía - Ég mun skína / Shine | Live performance | Studio version IS / EN
Italy: Annalisa - Il mondo prima di te | Live performance | Studio version
Latvia: MADARA - Esamība | Live performance | Studio version
Lithuania: Paula - 1 2 3 | Live performance | Studio version
Malta: Jasmine Abela - Supernovas | Live performance | Studio version
Moldova: Anna Timofei - Endlessly | Live performance | Studio version
Montenegro: Nina Petković - Dišem | Live performance | Studio version
Norway: Stella & Alexandra - You Got Me | Live performance | Studio version
Poland: Ifi Ude - Love Is Stronger | Live performance | Studio version
Portugal: Minnie & Rhayra - Patati Patata | Live performance | Studio version
Romania: Serena - Safari | Live performance | Studio version
Scam Marino: Emma Sandstrom - Diamonds | Live performance | Studio version
Serbia: Maja Nikolić - Zemlja čuda | Live performance | Studio version
Slovenia: Nika Zorjan - Uspavanka | Live performance | Studio version
Spain: Aitana & Ana Guerra - Lo Malo | Live performance | Studio version
Sweden: Polish Margaret - In My Cabana | Live performance | Studio version
Switzerland: Vanessa Iraci - Red Lights | Live performance | Studio version
Ukraine: TAYANNA - Lelya | Live performance | Studio version
United Kingdom: Asanda - Legends | Live performance | Studio version

Spotify playlist:

Missing: Albania, Czechia, Malta, Serbia, Switzerland, UK.



Simply PM me your ballot in Eurovision style:
12 Points: Your favourite song
10 Points: Your second favourite song
8 Points: etc.
7 Points:
6 Points:
5 Points:
4 Points:
3 Points:
2 Points:
1 Point: You know what to do

Plus any commentary and your choice of who you'd like to be the spokesperson for your votes.

*and other continents
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