The Halloween Franchise

Halloween '78- I mean what's there to say? That was a classic, that was a classic

2- Love how it continues right from the original. Still has that amazing atmosphere of the firstl but with sluggish pacing. The brother thing was not needed and the fact that Laurie doesn't find out is bad writing. Solid overall.

3- I don't care that Michael's not in in but I'm sorry it's a snoozefest. Great score though.

4- The made for TV version of Halloween. Some great, likable characters. Michael looks his worst here. Those shoulder pads! Very dumb and cheesy. Still a pretty great slasher overall though. The roof scene! Yes!

5- Mess! What they did with Rachel is unforgivable. Michael crying doesn't get dragged enough! The car chase and laundry shoot scenes are it's only real saving grace.

6- Love the dark, gloomy vibes of this one. One of the scariest versions of Michael. It's a very good Halloween movie until the final act. I said what I said.

H20- The most entertaining and re-watchable. I love how fast paced this is and how the final act is one long chase/action scene. Technical blunders aside (sloppy editing, the masks, the Scream score) this is pretty great and the best version of Laurie.

Resurrection- Fuck offfffff

RZ's Halloween- Mr. Zombie taking what made the original so good and doing the opposite......a choice!

RZ's Halloween 2- Wonderful cinematography but man what an annoying ass movie to site through. Not my Loomis ect...

Halloween 2018- They got Michael so right with this one but the script could have used a few more passes. Still a very solid start to what became a mess.

Kills- What a massive disappointment. Aside from Lindsey's bag of bricks this movie is awfully written. They did the legacy characters so dirty.

Ends- I like the look and vibes of this one yet them not at least introducing Corey in Kills is a massive blunder. Better then Kills but very misguided.

Thanks for dealing with my Ted Talk.
I watched H40/2018 earlier in the week.

It starts out so well but after the scene with the motion detector light, it kinda just gets boring (save for "gotcha!")

That tracking shot as he rampages through houses had the reminiscent feels the whole thing should've had. And the Vicky/Julian scenes remain perfect.
H20 remains unbothered.

Halloween, Kills and Ends... looking back now feel very unnecessary. They didn't add anything really. I suppose it just creates yet another timeline you can follow. At this point, they really should just embrace the 'pick a timeline' element of this franchise and keep exploring new stories picking up from different movies. A sequel to Season of the Witch, an alternative sequel to Halloween 4, etc. etc.
I do wonder what's next. I've heard rumors of a Dr. Loomis spin-off, but I don't want that. I'm torn of if I want a new story, back to basics or something with returning characters. With the 57 timelines, there are so many directions they could take it.

1. A Jamie follow up series that disregards her death in 6.
2. A follow-up to Ends where Laurie has found peace and moved on, centered around Lindsay and her family and maybe a Michael Myers copy cat.
3. A back to basics remake with new characters.
4. A regular sequel series with new characters.
I'm glad nothing seems to be in the immediate pipeline. They need to let the stench of the last two films fade away before they try to get us onboard with another iteration.

I think what the franchise needs (aside from a longer break than we'll probably actually get) is a complete remimagining of the 70s-set story, with some new characters and dynamics. Basically, keep Michael and his general (original) story and then get a great writer who can play around with the rest.
I do agree that a 70s set film with new characters would be the best. And please, absolutely *no* sibling twist.
I think it's the only way forward. Go back to the roots of what made the original so terrifying, before there was any additional lore attached: a deranged man stalking a babysitter on Halloween. The simplicity is what made the original so terrifying. No convoluted motive or backstory. It'd still work if they approached it the right way.
They could always do a Resurrection on us and go back to Ends and reveal it wasn't actually Micheal they blended up into small pieces.


I don't think I want another remake/reimagining though. Honestly. I don't think it's what this franchise needs. Perhaps taking it to TV and doing something different like what Bates Motel did would be an option?
