I feel like Gaga is one of a very few artists that knows how to do a good middle 8. @VitaminBee
Everything about it is sublime but that middle 8 is everything! @syPOPhantic
A solid opener. Such a powerful chorus and another cracking melody. The production is all wrong for me though. Needs more power and is mostly too subtle and timid. @sfmartin
Ugh, I love me a Gagger story reboot. I actually even think it would have been an excellent single too, if only for the diamond heart related foolishness she would have worn, but I guess Mark Ronson needed an idea to build his 2019 imagery around. Generous queen. But yeah, this is perfect. What a reintroduction to her after three years away too; gale force vocals taking us through the bleak and brutal story of how the early days became all that is around us now. Really underrated too; y'all don't talk about it enough. @RJF
The chorus gives me such an exhilarating rush. The paint a grim, seedy, and at times painful reality, but the chorus is pure escapism: carles, exciting, and just so alive. The highs may be fleeting, but there’s nothing quite so sweet while they last. One of her most Springsteen moments. @R27
I didn't come back to Joanne at all, this is quite decent @daninternational
The first time I heard it, I thought it was an English cover of Zazie’s Rue de la Paix dd. I love how the build-up in the chorus makes it sound like it’s going to turn into a typical dance number, but instead opts for a pop rock direction. This feels a bit more restrained than I hoped but this is a great song anyway. This is never going to happen, but I wouldn’t mind a collab with Metric. @Petit nain des Îles
The only uptempo on this album I can stomach. @madgemad
An opening track. For the album, but for the tour too. RIP to the cancellations. This track is great, altought for the people that are not as Joanne-y as they wish, it is obviously a reminder to quickly switch before starting this album. Anyways, love how she wrote this and the lyrical contents @Laurence