#Justice4Venus. This song is so bonkers that only Gaga can pull this off. Only she can hammer you with 38 choruses in one song and each one better than the one previous. I always thought DWUW was basic so it broke my heart this was canceled as a single. I was at the ARTPOP listening party in Berlin and heard the song for the first time right there with Gaga and was so overwhelmed. The next morning the song was out and I still remember listening to this at the airport in Berlin and crying that it wouldn't be a single. Dramatic? Yes. Justified? Yes. This is my easy 11. @Alenko
Again, some good parts to this, but overall Artpop is just inconsistent and messy at times. @Ashling92
We stan a self-produced masterpiece. @aux
Barbarella Bad Romance. This feels like one of the many productions on ARTPOP that she gutted at the last minute, and yet it’s so bonkers it succeeds despite that. @collxtion
This is the one I don't get the love for, the pre-chorus is great but the rest is a mess @daninternational
Invented astronomy! @dijah.
It took a while for the penny to drop with this one for me as I didn’t get why everyone raved about it especially after the messy ass X Factor UK performance, however, here we are in 2019 and I love this track! @FresherThanYou
Artpop is like the worst parts of Born This Way turned up to 11 and it doesn't sound all that inspired as well @jtm
She still writes a hook like a hotshot, but she just didn’t knew what to surround them with. @kingbruno
A production by Stef herself, what a banger. It goes of so much and I never get bored of it. Also; this was played so much in a club in Barcelona while I was there so it reminds me of it now, such a cool club and some fun, etc. @laurence
I love how this song has so many different sections, yet they manage to sound great together. My favorite part is chorus, so gorgeous, and the rest is only slightly weaker. The experimental aspect of the production is another high point. And the post-chorus after the is amazing addition. The middle-8 contains some iconic lines, too. Should've been a hit. @Maki
Strangely more reminiscent of the The Fame Monster era than I expected. It feels like Lady Gaga on autopilot mode though, especially the chorus, and the bridge sounds like it was written in the last minute. Pass. @Petit nain des Îles
The contrast between the verses and pre-chorus is great and while it takes a bit too long to get to the chorus, when we do finally arrive there it is predictably ace @R27
Probably one of her best choruses ever. The only note I have for it is that I wish the harmony vocals were more prominent in the album version. @VitaminBee
An amazing chorus in a sea of nonsense. The planetary role call is iconic; and shout out to the live version for that amazing, ratcheting guitar riff during it. I don't know. I'm looking at my score right now and thinking that my memory of the song is better than the reality in 2019. Lemme bump it down a biT. @RJF
The first time I heard this, I thought it seemed kind of goofy - especially the “DON’T YOU KNOW MY ASS IS FAMOUS” part. It’s definitely grown on me, though. @Seventeen Days
Absolutely absurd, a journey into a strange world undoubtedly. It's ambitious and a bit jagged but overall thoroughly enjoyable. The chorus is another melodical marvel and the second is a very welcome addition. @sfmartin
Feels a bit like a bunch of choruses strung together, I've heard entire albums with fewer hooks than this song has. Bonkers and brilliant. @stradiwhovius
One of her best choruses! @syPophantic
Not really sure why I love this. Maybe the mythology references. Maybe the basic as fuck EDM production that still manages to be a whole lot of fun. Maybe it’s the chorus. Or the melodies. Oh well. @music is life