The Lady Gaga Rate (Haus Labs now available)


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average 8.425
Highest: 11 x 6 (@Ashling92 @Remorque @Lila @soratami @Slice of Life @BubblegumBoy) 10 x 23 (@Laura Vanderbooben @Sanctuary @aux @Aidan @Lapras @Hurricane Drunk @Music Is Life @me @Robsolete @Guy @Seventeen Days @Ana Raquel @daninternational @Andrew.L @tylerc904 @GimmeWork @push the button @Sprockrooster @madgemad @elektroxx @Alenko @yeRleDanaL @Phonetics Boy)
Lowest: 4 x 1 (@Serg.)

A beautiful coda to the first half of her career, paired nicely with Applause. A soaring chorus, a lovely sentiment, and middle 8 tailor made for chasing sunsets. Subwaykid don't cry during the last half of this song challenge. The SXSW performance is my personal fav and it's a shame it's not readily available for viewing. Does anyone have the @IMHO version? It appears it was sadly removed.

The way this builds from a piano ballad into an epic dance banger…I love that. I also love the way a song does that. This is epic and amazing and I love her voice, and the melody is so catchy and the handclaps and video-gamey production in the outro - yessssss. @Music Is Life

What a quality follow up to 'Highway Unicorn'. @Untouchable Ace

I love how this is both Gaga by the numbers, but also on steroids. She is not holding back at all. @Sprockrooster

It feels like a cynical attempt to recapture the energy of Edge of Glory. However, she carries off the formula pretty well. The production really takes off in the chorus and she keeps the momentum up with the my-my-mys. @sfmartin

This should have been the closing track instead of ‘Applause’. It’s such an uplifting track, with one of the best choruses on the album. Also, I love the lyric referencing back to Scheiße. @Seventeen Days

Maybe if it had another minute of run time to really earn that galloping pace, along with the ad libs from the live version, it wouldn't feel like the budget version of "The Edge Of Glory" that it so clearly is. I had a wee moment with it on tour, but I also had a wee moment with eight drinks, so. @RJF

I remember loving this when she premiered a stripped down piano version of it on German (I think) television, and then being thoroughly put off by the production version, Similar to “Speechless,” the production sounds cheap and weakens the overall product. The generic EDM chorus in particular sucks a lot of the life and charm from the song. It’s a shame because it’s one of her sweetest and most humanizing songs lyrically. @R27

This is great, more reminiscent of Born This Way. Euphoric. @petit

Gorgeous. Everyone should be able to do the whole section at the end without taking a single breath. Try it! @madgemad

A true becoming of age moment. Now after a few years, Gypso does sound out of place a tad, know it came as a Born This Way leftover or what, but still a sweet track. I love how it flows and that are you crying edit has me crying indeed. Great track. @Laurence

This should have been a single! Well properly a single should I say @FresherThanYou

I forgot how epic this is @daninternational

Did she consider “Nomad?” I think “Nomad” could work. @collxtion

Love the callback to Scheisse, the bridge really makes this song for me, a total rush. @aux

I went back and forth on about 4 or 5 songs to give my 11 to, but Gypsy feels right. I don’t know if it’s cause I love travelling, or if it’s cause I left a toxic relationship to move to New York for a year, or if it’s just an amazing song…but I’ve always related to Gypsy. It encapsulates everything I love about Gaga. The lyrics are amazing ‘I don’t wanna be alone forever, but I can be tonight’, as is the bridge, and the ‘IM IM IM IM A GYPSY GYPSY GYPSY I’ part is one of the best things she’s ever done. The Artpop Tour remains the only time I’ve seen her live (to my shame), and I was shocked and deliriously happy when THIS was the closer. Deserved. Truly top tier Gaga. @Ashling92

Artpop’s “Hair”. This is a compliment. @Ana Raquel

Wow I've cried to this so many times. It just gets to me. @Alenko

This type of cheesy shit is why I stan. @Phonetics Boy
I'm lipsyncing the last part of Gypsy mixed in with the clips of Gaga saying that she's italian and the nonsense german bits of Scheisse later this week. Iconic messy bop.
And then he asked me, he said
"Baby, why do we love each other?"

I said, "Honey, it's simple
It's the way that you love and treat your mother."

Thought that I would be alone forever, but I won't be tonight
I'm a man without a home, but I think with you, I could spend my life
And you'll be my little gypsy princess

Pack your bags and we can chase the sunset
Bust the rearview and fire up the jets
'Cause it's you and meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee



Staff member



average 8.43
Highest: 10 x 20 (@Remorque @Laurence @Music Is Life @askew @Aidan @KingBruno @sfmartin @Seventeen Days @soratami @daninternational @tylerc904 @Sprockrooster @push the button @GimmeWork @DJHazey @FresherThanYou @elektroxx @RMK @UncleDeSeanAli me)
Lowest: 4.5 x 1 (@VitaminBee)

Is this a shock? I feel like this is kind of a shock. Ultimately I think it suffered from people opting to score it in the great-not-perfect range, and with no 11's to help, it fell out of the top 20. The fact that it was overshadowed by every other career-defining single from it's parent album probably didn't help either. The 3rd single in the US and Europe, and the 4th in the UK, Lovegame is filled with hooks and set in stone the icy, dominant, left of center sex appeal she had in her early days. It also gave us her first (?) iconic prop in the form of the disco stick. Those DIY chain link glasses were sort of a serve too.

Full disclosure: I used to hate this son. Or rather, I used to get so embarrassed when this came on. All the time. And my sister, who was 11 when this came out, though possibly 12 when it was released as a single (too lazy to check) knew this and would play it all the time. Now though, I completely love it. It’s amazing, and so much fun. My mom wishes I would go back to the little 8 year old boy who’d blush when this comes on. @Music Is Life

Stefani “Dirty-Fucking-Nasty” Germanotta. Probably the most overtly sexual songs in Miss Ga’s discog (don’t fact-check me on this). LoveGame really established her brand of independent, alien sexiness; she’s 0 feet away, Interested in Right Now. @collxtion

I really love the dirty beat. I think it's often forgotten but once you hear it you love it again. @Alenko

I often forget what this is based on the title, but the disco stick hook is perfection @daninternational

My favourite track on the album! The instrumental alone is a fantastic listen and it was always executed fantastically live! @FresherThanYou

I’m a sucker for the high camp of lyrics like “I wanna take a ride on your disco stick”. Combined with the “sick” beat, I never stood a chance against this song. @GimmeWork ork

“I wanna take a ride on your discostick” is the cheapest-but-catchiest refrain that pop music has seen in the last couple of years. She really utilized her oversexed extraterrestrial image from the early days on this. @KingBruno

Sexy Gaga is everything! This is everything. Gotta love playing LoveGames and boy do I love the discostick. Fantastic song! @Laurence

The missing beat before the "HUH!" in the intro is a treat. @madgemad

Another banger and an amazing single choice from this album. The verse + pre-chorus combo is perfection, which made the chorus a tiny bit underwhelming for me. Oh, and the double-entendre style of her lyrics is probably at the peak here (of course, that 'disco stick' line is iconic, but also the bridge/middle-8). And those 'dark' synths just add to the overall vibe of the song. @Maki

Slight R&B influences in the delivery during the verses, which was one of my first surprises on my inital discography run. @Petit nain des Îles

Snotty high school me hated that disco stick line when I first heard the song, which is wild considering how amazing it is. People really can change I guess, as has my feelings for this song over the past decade. I remember listening to this one day a few years ago after listening to it in ages and was blown away by how well this has held up. The chorus is admittedly a tad lacklustre, but the heavenly pre-chorus remains a career highlight. @R27

I do not get the love for this song, the boring chorus and repetitive beat - the only redeeming part is the pre-chorus - and even then... @syPOPhantic

Her performance of this on The Monster Ball, in the see-through plastic dress with the nun habit, was a fucking moment. Mmmmh yes child. @Seventeen Days

This could be my favourite single off The Fame. It was definitely the moment that I fell in love. The booming synths force you to sit up and take notice. The repetitive melody burrows itself into your memory. I also love the video, simple for Gaga standards but tremendously effective. @sfmartin

it was never a favorite of mine but it’s enjoyable when I stumble upon it randomly. @VitaminBee

I honestly thought this would be shredded in time as it would not grow along with the music trends, but honestly this is still damn fresh. @Sprockrooster

This shouldn't work as much as it does considering it's the closest she has in her discography to a monotone chorus. @Untouchable Ace

The subway scenes in the video are probably the straight-up-sexiest she's ever been? That shot when she's going through the turnstile with the fan just throwing her hair... A shoot. Oh yeah, the song slaps all round really, but it kind of fell down the back of the sofa in the UK as it acted as the fourth single off the album rather than the third, and was consequently spit roasted by "Paparazzi" and "Bad Romance". What a way to go though. @RJF

