Well this made it this far somehow. This has still managed to be rather divisive years later. Think I'll eventually come around to this in 10 years when she wheels it out on a small residency tour to promote her latest nail polish line or something.
@Remorque says "Y'all hate this but I don't fucking care. She sounds fucking
relentless during the entirety of the song and I don't think she ever meant it to sound... beautiful? I don't know." And
@Maki calls it the "Immediate sonic standout here - "A-Yo" of "ARTPOP", both in sounds and lyrics. Pop-rock mixed with electronic elements is great. Love the retro feel and the chorus is really catchy. Her signature word play is there, too. Still, it doesn't impress me as much as the other favorite songs on this album. And that intro is worth of noting, awesome guitar solo."
@Music Is Life also appreciates the rock elements Love the combination of the electric guitar and handclaps in the production on this. This is so much fun."
@R27 concurs, somewhat: "I love when Gaga incorporates rock elements into her music, and this track is great in parts, but it never fully comes together for me. Solid instead of great." And
@daninternational drops names "This Joan Jett feel is quite refreshing in the lineup."
@Laurence reminds me that it's been so long since I've listened to this that the versions have started to blend "This getting reworked all that damn time I can't even remember what the proper structure was? I think I used an edit after that performance, but alas. Listening to the track and I don't think it deserves all the hate it gets, but here we are . gif on PJ. I like the song teehee. It is kinda crazy in it's full rockish glory but whatever!"
@Verandi apparently wanted to ruin Gaga's rep during ARTPOP even more "A single. In my dreams."
@jtm was spared some of the ARTPOP trauma from the looks of it "This is the best song on this so far. I'm not sure I ever played this back then." And
@Sprockrooster growls "PUT SOME LIPSTICK ON... 10 10 10 10 10!!!"
Some of ya'll do not like to loosen ya hips, though.
@Petit nain des Îles calls it "So unremarkable and sounds oddly dated." "The amount of buildup in the verses and THAT'S the chorus? Girl please. It sounds like a placeholder chorus that got left in. Dreadful song." says
@Sleepycat. And I think Swinefest-itus has affected this fandom more than RedoneGa, with all the calls for the original version of this track. Like
@SyPOPhantic "I prefer the swine fest version more".
@sfmartin says "A rip roaring ride doesn't stop for air. I just adored the Swinefest performance. Firmly in the "heal me" should have remained the second chorus camp or been added on in the final chorus or something."
@Phonetics Boy boy laments "No one fucking needed the 'can you feel it" part and the original chorus appearing only once? What a goddamn choice." and
@P'NutButter reminisces "It would be a 10 if the intro wasn't cut." And
@RJF makes demands. "Racket, and a paper thin pun. Boot." Ok dad!