Beautiful, Dirty, Rich
average: 7.27
Highest: 10 x 5 (
@soratami @VitaminBee @SyPOPhantic @Sprockrooster @happiestgirl)
Lowest: 2.5 x 1 (
Some of you have not got it made like ice cream topped with honey, apparently. This is jam packed with hooks, ain't it?
"I love her performance on this one. It's quite a simple song in its structure, but there's enough going on to keep you interested. She was just so quirky back then and it's a pleasure hearing some of these songs back." You're welcome
@Remorque. "remember when Emily was posing as Katie in Skins and this was playing in the background? that was a classic"
@31entrance reminisces, I don't because my tumblr phase was over after s1 but I'm sure you lot do! "This some gay shit I was NOT prepared to comprehend in 2008. Aged like a fine wine."
@collxtion says about me.
@daninternational had his monsters up since day one "The kind of basic bop that hooked me on Gaga after Just Dance" Likewise with
@FresherThanYou "Love this one, it was one of the first tracks I ever heard of hers!"
@Laurence was an early subscriber as well "A lovely track, what a song. Remember that video? She was upcoming girls! Love the st-st-stuttering and it just flows really well." The video is kind of a serve, huh? Yas burn that ABC promo budget!
@jtm finds it faceless "It's fine but it could have been recorded by anyone" but it wasn't! Right
@RJF? "Okay but that pre-chorus. Some people's faves wish they had it. Maybe about 40% of people's faves, but that's still a pretty sizeable chunk.
beautiful. daddy daddy rich rich beautiful. daddy. rich." @Maki calls it "My least favorite out of the singles (or promo singles) from this album, but it's still a really good song. The chorus is my fave part, that synth (or sound effect) and the guitar totally make it for me. The main objection is that it sounds slightly too much like her demos from this era, which makes it a bit uninspired. Also, too much talking/rap parts for me to enjoy it more." but
@Music Is Life finds it to be "A total bop, I love the drums and guitar in the production."
@sfmartin "Never was particularly enamoured with this one. It didn't hit the spot like the other album tracks."
@Petit nain des Îles says it "Kind of reminds me of late 00’s indie in some way. It’s a song that I tend to forget about, as it lacks something to make it more memorable… perhaps an actual bridge?" as
@SyPOPhantic bang bangs to the demo "Truly an underrated bop - I prefer the middle 8 from the demo but it's so much better than Just Dance and Pokerface."
@R27 thinks it's a bit dated "It sounds very much of its time, and this was never a sound I loved to be honest. Overall, it feels a little too on the nose and lacks a lot of the wit and cleverness found elsewhere on the album." but
@Sprockrooster calls it timeless "There is something very timeless classic as an forgetten classic underdog in this." And
@VitaminBee only needed 30 seconds to stan "BDR was the only track that grabbed me when I quickly listened to every 30 second snippet from The Fame on the iTunes page back when it first came out. Little did I know what that would start for me... I will also say, I wish the demo bit “Look at them dirty rich girls, look at them dirty rich boys, playing with all their beautiful and dirty dirty rich toys" was in the final version."