The Lady Gaga Rate (Haus Labs now available)

Pretty sure Hair Body Face is my lowest score left.

Also, as a fairweather Gags f/stan, I'm quite surprised (but also not really) at the way my scores have somewhat closely paralleled the results.


Staff member


Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)

average: 7.34
Highest: 10 x 8 (@Sanctuary @dancingwithmyself @Petit nain des Îles @soratami @abael @Phonetics Boy @CasuallyCrazed @yeRleDanaL)
Lowest: 1 x 1 (@Aidan)

@Phonetics Boy calls it "Silly Ace of Base nonsense that'll be done wrong, so lemme overcompensate." Great thanks now this beat Fashion! @Remorque also sees the Ace of Base connections "I don't care if this is kinda throwaway, because it's an Ace Of Base-y Fun Factory bop, seaux..." A bop is a bop. @daninternational says "Back when Gaga was a mere mortal. Crazy to think she could come up with such a basic bop" well y'all have kept two from ASIB here this long so not that crazy! @Maki almost gave it full marks "This is such an adorable song, I drown in its cuteness and fail to find a remark. Yet another song I used to hear on the radio and which brings a lot of nostalgia. Looking back, this is a really unique song in her discography, since she never really had a calypso-inspired song. That hook is incredibly catchy and cute. The synths in the final chorus are something I didn't notice before and they're so good. The only thing that prevented this song from receiving a 10 is that it's slightly weaker than the ultimate highlights of the debut." @31entrance stans "I stanned for this back in the day sksksksksk still she’s a cute girl" In fact, the c word was thrown around a lot to describe this one, to the point where I received six variations of this "It’s cute and fun! I don't get the hate it seems to get - other than that... There's nothing else I can say." cc: @SyPOPhantic We got 48 more eliminations to get through gorls (and a new era looming) I might have to be a bit more selective with the commentary soz.

I thought @collxtion was complimenting this when they called it "Unadulterated schmaltz." but quickly followed up "I always skip this one. I think I hate the production more than the song itself, so an extra half point for that beatboxy Cherrytree Sessions remix, which I sometimes find space in my heart to enjoy." @Laura Vanderbooben's got a little italian corner in his heart carved out for this "I've always had a soft spot for this little ditty." @jtm's also tender for it "I love that this has a video. It's a very different direction than what she ultimately became but still one of my favorites from the debut." @RMK stans the vocal performance "Something about the vocal delivery and breezy, light-feel have always made this song a favorite of mine." @Seventeen Days notes this was her first foray into being italian, if we aren't counting that Sopranos cameo "The single that I always felt was a little ignored, with a great video. Gaga again serves effortless looks on a Vespa, and begins the tradition of her “hey did you know I’m Italian?” schtick." @madgemad calls it "Summery, sparkly, she sounds recognisable as the vocalist she is today." and @Sleepycat also shouts out adjectives "Efferverscent, bittersweet and lovely." This bop is a bit different from everything else she's done, even with the jazz and Joanne detours, and it was noted as an outlier in lots of the commentary, like this from @R27 "Even in the context of the debut, this felt like an outlier, and in the grander scope of her career, it feels even slighter. It’s a cute sunny little number, but as the title suggests, there really isn’t much to say about it." @RJF puts the idea of it being revived for a tour (woman giggling into her hand.gif at anything other than a residency) that I must see come to fruition now "That candy floss melody that's fluffy and sticky to the touch and just melts in your mouth. The girls hate to see it for some reason, but it's a wonderfully light little treat. Sometimes my taint needs a four minute break from being pounded into the dancefloor. It would actually be a fun thing to revive for......... a future tour that isn't stuck in a desert exclusively for Maude and Terry on vacation from Wisconsin." And finally @Petit nain des Îles calls it "A curveball! This has such a carefree, summer-y vibe that I can’t help but smile everytime the intro comes on. An instant favorite despite being an outlier in her discography. Hopefully it’ll get the praise it deserves in this rate!" Well its in the top 50 if that counts!

