Staff member
average 7.60
Highest: 10 x 15 (@Mirwais Ahmadzaï @Verandi @Sanctuary @Maki @Music Is Life @Aidan @Remorque @Itty Bitty Piggy @Guy @soratami @abael @Sprockrooster @Alenko @elektroxx @nikkysan)
Lowest: 2 x 4 (@Mushroom @Serg. @Robert @blissteria)
And as the first taste of LG6 leaks, we eliminate the first taste we had of Artpop. Let's hope this new era turns out a little better, huh?

average 7.60
Highest: 10 x 15 (@Mirwais Ahmadzaï @Verandi @Sanctuary @Maki @Music Is Life @Aidan @Remorque @Itty Bitty Piggy @Guy @soratami @abael @Sprockrooster @Alenko @elektroxx @nikkysan)
Lowest: 2 x 4 (@Mushroom @Serg. @Robert @blissteria)
And as the first taste of LG6 leaks, we eliminate the first taste we had of Artpop. Let's hope this new era turns out a little better, huh?
I kinda love the guitar in this. And just this song in general. The maniacal laughing is amazing. @Music Is Life
I love the second verse and the production of the song, it just kind of never sticks the landing. @VitaminBee
Imagine if the albums was as incredibly nuts as this song. Instead we got fart synths for the most part. @Verandi
Wonderfully disjointed with many different songs glued together with squelch. @Untouchable Ace
The instrumental is perfection and the second verse is exceptional. @SyPOPhantic
The song that promises everything and delivers almost none of it, and features some of her worst lyrics. @sleepycat
I remember seeing this at Swinefest and being engrossed by the drama. I love the batty production, it's all over the place. I'm still salty about some of the changes from the demo. @sfmartin
Every time I hear this, I think of when the demo leaked in summer 2013 and was still named ‘Burqa’. The conflicting textures of the super glitchy synths with the Middle Eastern guitar is a unique and fantastic combination. @Seventeen Days
I remember when this first leaked and was confirmed to be real and I was just... I had my stan microscope out, peering for things to like it about it. I've cooled my contempt over the years a little but... come on. The last thing we had heard was fucking Born This Way and we get this nonsense? I'm sure some of y'all stan but meh, to me it sounds like a YouTube "leaked demo" parody to this day. The @Rommers demo remains unbothered and declaring a fatwa on the dancefloor. @RJF
I used to like this a lot, but admittedly some these lyrics have only become more questionable with time. @r27
The production is… a lot. All over the place and off-kilter which could sum up ARTPOP’s overall direction. I was surprised to find out Madeon didn’t make this as it sounds like one of his early mashups. I like the energy and the details in the production though. It makes me want to throw on Triangle by Perfume so I’m here for it. @Petit nain des Îles
RIP superior demo vocals @P'NutButter
A way to open an album! She has so many incredible intros to songs it's hard to believe it. That guitar, that laugh, that buildup - genius. And that's just the beginning of this song. Completely ecstatic production of the verses to the stripped down, yet beautiful chorus; I love how her vocals are gentle and powerful at the same time during that part. The outro just cement my 10. Art pop at its finest. @Maki
I took a point off because the demo verse vocals are better than the finished product. That chorus is just insane. @madgemad
A bonkers track. Remember this leaking? What a time to be alive. Boris is a legend, of course. What a way to start off an album while your label wants you to sit on your lead single. Also that announcement was everything. This went OFF more in the original demo form and I have not forgotten it! Still good. @Laurence
some say the fatwa is still declared on the dance floor @Laura Vanderbooben
The production shifts from being amazing to being hideous on a constant basis. That’s an achievement on itself. @KingBruno
This is all sorts of terrible. It has an okay part in it (the chorus), but I don't enjoy any second of the rest. What a turnoff for a first song of an album. @jtm
very promising in parts (“behind the aura!” Etc) but a bit too noisy! @FresherThanYou
I LOVE the second half of this. The first bit could be trimmed @daninternational
Absolute bonkers @aux
The chorus of Aura is great, but the verses and her talking about burqas like that is very...hmm. @Ashling92
The demo is better @Ana Raquel
I'll never forget the look of the littler Shallowsters at Enigma when this started ddd. The song and lyrics are a mess yes, but a glorious Gaga mess. The chorus is Gaga at her beast and the outro is fantastic. I can't give this anything but a 10. @Alenko
Aura is such a mixed bag because on a sonic level it’s hands-down one of the most insane things she’s ever done, while lyrically she treads shaky ground. Aura felt urgent in 2013, even if we knew it was wrong; in 2019 it no longer feels urgent. @collxtion