'Americano' is one of those songs I don't realise how much I adore it, until I hear it.
Fashion of His Love
average 7.57
Highest: 11 x 1 (@Sanctuary) 10 x 9 (@nikkysan @yeRleDanaL @tylerc904 @GimmeWork @Andrew.L @Slice of Life @Lila @Remorque @aux)
Lowest: 3 x 1 (@Verandi)
average 7.575
Highest: 10 x 13 (@askew @aux @Remorque @PushyBakerFriend @Sail On @Petit nain des Îles @Ashling92 @Lila @Slice of Life @Ana Raquel @Dijah. @Phonetics Boy @yeRleDanaL)
Lowest: 2 x 1 (@serg)
I love the production on this. This is actually pretty fucking great, isn’t it? I love the almost spacey synths running through the production, and the melody is really catchy. I love this. – music is life
would get a higher score with the addition of some hee's. @up n down
Wonky, so what does her ArtPop mean in the end? @Untouchable Ace
Sublime. I love the bleepy production that acts like the heartbeat of the album. I also love the combination of the main vocal and the deep robotic harmony throughout, such a neat touch. The euphoric chorus that could have taken straight out of Melodifestivalen. A wonderful clash of styles that I think communicates the message of Artpop perfectly. @sfmartin
I remember hearing this the first time Gaga sang it on the iTunes Festival, and it was an instant favorite. I love the way she sings the verses, and I also love the weird operatic backing vocals that pop up here and there. @Seventeen Days
I’ve never gone back to this song. @RMK
An elegant, warm mission statement for a far better album that we never got. Oh well. The lyrics to the verses are some of her best. @RJF
This track is frustrating because lyrically, especially as the title track of the album, it's a total cop out. You build a whole campaign around this concept only for it to mean literally anything? Which is ultimately just another way of saying it means nothing. Talk about a let down. What's not a let down though is the pristine production and gorgeous melodies. I wish it had been saved for a more substantial song, but it's easy to forget that when actually listening to the track. @R27
As with Venus, it’s very been there done that but there’s an air of Little Boots in the production flourishes and in her delivery which redeems it a little bit. @Petit nain des Îles
The live version is a 10, the studio version is kinda bland and lifeless. @P’NutButter
Poor title track - I often forget it exists. I've always been quite indifferent towards it for some reason. It does sum up the album nicely, even though it's much more chilled-out than the rest. The chorus is my favorite part, with those 'artpop' chants, but the song as a whole is a bit too bland. I guess it's charming in its silent existence. @Maki
Title track, we gotta do it. I prefer the demo version here but it works. Cool track. Music not the bling, baby. Alright. I never connected that much to it, but its a nice chill kinda track. @Laurence
This Artpop could also mean exactly nothing @jtm
the chorus is messy, I feel like some of the “Artpops” aren’t quite in time? @FresherThanYou
Fine, but pointless really @daninternational
I still don't know what the verses are about but I think she hypnotized me at Swinefest and I still am. Heee heeee. @Alenko
There was this one person on here who made the edit with actually audible hee-hees and I've been listening to it for the past 5 years. This rate actually makes me realise how unlistenable much of ARTPOP is, so if I give something a 10 just assume I'm rating the demo. Speaking of, poor Brooklyn Nights would've been a strong contender for an 11. @Phonetics Boy
*the tweet where she says Selena Gomez’s Love You Like A Love Song is one of the best pop records of 2011* @collxtion And she's not wrong!
I am so used to the piano version so it's almost weird to listen to the pop version again. I know some find it cheesy but it really speaks to me and this song would have helped me as a teenager so much. Especially the line about wanting to have lots of friends that invite you to their parties cause I once invivted my whole class and only 2 people came, shit like that breaks your heart as a kid. @Alenko
This is IT. That was the song that always had THAT impact Born This Way should have had from the get go. The bridge gets me every single time. @ana Raquel
In the way Born This Way was a declaration of identity written for stadiums, Hair is a declaration written for the bedroom where I first slid this CD into my boombox. It’s at once vulnerable, self-conscious, brave, and cathartic. It’s also a goddamn marathon. The absolute balls she had for creating a full-barrel Bruce Springsteen stomper that never steps off the throttle once during its five-minute runtime… I have to laugh. it’s everything I could want in a song and then some. @collxtion
I love songs about hair. Time for a haircut tbh. It's a bit samey though, the lyrics may as well be 'I'm on the edge of hairy' @daninternational
Oh, it's just a bit of a twee buzzkill, isn't it? Without it the run from the start of the album to "Bad Kids" would be relentless. As it is, we have this breaking the pace. I hate it a lot less than I used to back in the day, but I still think it's pretty badly produced. Eight years to live with the metaphor have made me appreciate it in a nostalgic way, at least. @RJF
Contains a sax which automatically adds a point or two. @jtm
I remember this track live premiering and fucking up the release. iTunes Countdown Singles were a hell for stans, but at least we got tracks early. I remember putting this on my iPod at the time when this came out so fast and dancing to it in my room at night, and I kept doing so for hours. But it does not go very fair. I love the free as my h-ha-hair parts. @Laurence
This is a really cute song with a strong statement. It may even be too 'sugary' for me, especially on a dark album like this, but it doesn't sound out of place at all. I can even hear the shades of "The Edge of Glory" in the instrumental. The chorus melody is so adorable, as well as the middle-8, which certifies this song as an obvious 80's-inspired tune. @Maki
80’s glam rock but make it dancier? The bridge is a moment. @petit
I like how the various parts of the song shift dramatically like her numerous hair styles during the era. It makes for a genuinely exciting listen. @R27
The lyrics of this come off as a bit cheesy to me now, but the music is so 80s arena rock that you have to bop every time it comes on. @Seventeen Days
This has always been middle of the pack on the album for me. The lyrics are just naff. It fades into the background and there is a lot more on the album that shines brighter. That being said the production is overall very addictive and switch up on the second verse is pretty awesome. @sfmartin
It would be better if it didn’t have the post-chorus "hair hair hair hair hair" part @syPOPhantic
that is why I love this album. But this could have made way for 'Amen Fashion' and the like. @Untouchable Ace