The Lady Gaga Rate (Haus Labs now available)

After the amazing live version the album version of ARTPOP is just too

It's still an 8 but I rarely have the desire to listen to it even though it could have been a 10.
Hair can be painfully corny, but that breakdown is it. I had to score it decently off the production alone.

I've never really cared for ARTPOP, sorry. There are more interesting songs on the album and plenty that are worse. It just exists. Love You Like A Love Song still low key slaps a bit.

Gypsy's corpse getting dragged into the upper end of the rate, yeesh. It's a perfectly fine song that people do way too much over. Let me put these eliminations into the universe: Venus, Gypsy, Sexxx Dreams, GUY.
Still the first things that comes to my mind when I think about Americano

And true story, when ASIB soundtrack was out, while searching on YouTube for Hair Body Face, Hair came on the search results and I realized that I hadn't heard in years and it was still amazing.
"ARTPOP" and "Hair" are eliminations I can get behind.

Actually, "ARTPOP" was my lowest remaining score with a 6,75.
I have a weird feeling about this one - perhaps the only Gaga song I can't really say much about. It's a very chilled and appropriate titled track, although there's something missing and sounds too 'airy' for me to enjoy it more. At the same time it's very pleasant, but I almost never return to it since it's very inessential compared to the rest of her discography.
There's just nothing about it to be excessively loved nor hated, so it ends up with both middling placement and average.
But what surprised me, apart from seeing 1/5 of the total voters giving it full marks, is that three voters awarded it with an 11. It's literally one of the last songs I thought would receive any, let alone multiple 11's and never saw it among the fan-favorites.

"Hair" is another song with multiple 11's. I can hear why the fans love this one, but it's always been among the middle pack of the (very strong) album and the 'hair, ha-a-a-a-air...' post-chorus irks me a bit and is unnecessary. However, the chorus and middle-8 (which some of you picked up, too) are lovely.
That's why I gave it a respectable 7,5.
The comparison I made with "The Edge of Glory" in the commentary is mostly due to the saxophone inclusion, which is a really nice detail.
At this point, it was my lowest remaining score from "Born This Way", so it's a completely fitting cut.

Now I should prepare for some of my faves leaving, because every time I'm satisfied with a few elimination, something of great value is lost.
I Like it Rough is killing this game and it was done dirty in the last rate because people still thought of it as some throwaway Fame track. Now it's getting it's popjustice.

I might be wrong but I Like it Rough was a late addition to the Fame which makes sense because it is the blueprint for Dance in the Dark. It's also her first foray into heavier production and is a representative sound of the first three albums.

It's also her best vocal performance on the Fame.


Staff member


Electric Chapel

average 7.89
Highest: 11 x 1 (@31entrance) 10 x 15 (@heavymetalGAGA @Music Is Life @Remorque @aux @MilesAngel @Petit nain des Îles @Seventeen Days @Dangerous Maknae @soratami @ohnostalgia @Ana Raquel @abael @elektroxx @Reboot @lehnw01)
Lowest: 2.5 x 1 (@Andrew.L)

Personally, I never thought this would make it this far. Considering the guitar aversion that runs through this forum and her discography this was one of the pleasant surprises of this rate

I seriously cannot think of a commentary that does this song justice @31entrance

Yes I will meet you at Electric Chapel. That club sounds fab. @Untouchable Ace

It’s never talked about but it’s a great little album track. @VitaminBee

We love a shameless sample steal! @Sprockrooster

I always forget how much I enjoy this one. The thumping repetitive beat and do-do-do-do burrows in your conscious. I also appreciate the subdued chorus. @sfmartin

Take a shot for every time Gaga says “holy fool” while listening to this. This is like a modern day ABBA song, and I live for it every time it comes on. @Seventeen Days

The start of the song is a near perfect blend of rock and dance-pop. The song does admittedly lose a bit of steam until it picks up again near the middle-8. Still great though. @R27

Those staccato synths! I love the rockier chord progressions, which make the song quite unique compared to the rest of her pre-Joanne albums. @Petit nain des Îles

Whoever did a musical arrangement/production here is a genuis and deserves a prize. That intro alone had me hooked - the electric guitar and the strings, followed by those bells is a work of art. The guitar riff (I was dissapointed to find out it's a sample) is insane, and when those verses kick in... literally one of the highlights of the album. That final chorus, along with the guitar solo; amazing. And those vocals in the final chorus! he only objection I have is that the chorus needed more punch to it, which cost this song of not receiving a 10. Awesome rockier moment! @Maki

Nice track. but nothing too special I think... Still; I won't turn it off but don't ever look it up. Except when the Judas video showed it and I wanted to listen again suddenly. @Laurence

The Duran Duran influences are pretty apparent and I love it. @KingBruno

It's fine, but the album is 3-4 tracks too long @jtm

I'm one of those mostly allergic to electric guitars (Meatloaf excepted). The vocals need more power in this style of song I reckon @daninternational

No single song in Gaga’s discography has more steadily risen in my ranks since it was released than Electric Chapel. I expect this will be an earlier out for Born This Way overall, but it’s one of the best non-singles on the record to me @collxtion



Electric Chapel

average 7.89
Highest: 11 x 1 (@31entrance) 10 x 15 (@heavymetalGAGA @Music Is Life @Remorque @aux @MilesAngel @Petit nain des Îles @Seventeen Days @Dangerous Maknae @soratami @ohnostalgia @Ana Raquel @abael @elektroxx @Reboot @lehnw01)
Lowest: 2.5 x 1 (@Andrew.L)

Personally, I never thought this would make it this far. Considering the guitar aversion that runs through this forum and her discography this was one of the pleasant surprises of this rate

