I seriously cannot think of a commentary that does this song justice @31entrance
Yes I will meet you at Electric Chapel. That club sounds fab. @Untouchable Ace
It’s never talked about but it’s a great little album track. @VitaminBee
We love a
shameless sample steal! @Sprockrooster
I always forget how much I enjoy this one. The thumping repetitive beat and do-do-do-do burrows in your conscious. I also appreciate the subdued chorus. @sfmartin
Take a shot for every time Gaga says “holy fool” while listening to this. This is like a modern day ABBA song, and I live for it every time it comes on. @Seventeen Days
The start of the song is a near perfect blend of rock and dance-pop. The song does admittedly lose a bit of steam until it picks up again near the middle-8. Still great though. @R27
Those staccato synths! I love the rockier chord progressions, which make the song quite unique compared to the rest of her pre-Joanne albums. @Petit nain des Îles
Whoever did a musical arrangement/production here is a genuis and deserves a prize. That intro alone had me hooked - the electric guitar and the strings, followed by those bells is a work of art. The guitar riff (I was dissapointed to find out it's a sample) is insane, and when those verses kick in... literally one of the highlights of the album. That final chorus, along with the guitar solo; amazing. And those vocals in the final chorus! he only objection I have is that the chorus needed more punch to it, which cost this song of not receiving a 10. Awesome rockier moment! @Maki
Nice track. but nothing too special I think... Still; I won't turn it off but don't ever look it up. Except when the Judas video showed it and I wanted to listen again suddenly. @Laurence
The Duran Duran influences are pretty apparent and I love it. @KingBruno
It's fine, but the album is 3-4 tracks too long @jtm
I'm one of those mostly allergic to electric guitars (Meatloaf excepted). The vocals need more power in this style of song I reckon @daninternational
No single song in Gaga’s discography has more steadily risen in my ranks since it was released than Electric Chapel. I expect this will be an earlier out for Born This Way overall, but it’s one of the best non-singles on the record to me @collxtion