The huge break (Deadpool aside) from what feels like the canon (The Marvels feels like 4 years ago) MCU movies has really helped with rumbling a bit of excitement from me. I am cautiously optimistic that parts of the Cap 4 trailer look genuinely good from the trailers, but I can't get the 4 sets of reshoots out from the back of my head. Hopefully it doesn't do a Quantumania, and actually excites instead of ruining hype for Thunderbolts*/ Fantastic Four.
If Cap 4 is received badly, I think Fantastic Four will do okay regardless (like Guardians 3 did in the end, despite the lowed opening - I still think Guardians 2 could have done a billion had Quantumania not done so much damage to the brand), but Thunderbolts* could be a real uphill battle.