Takin’ Over The World
Average: 6.741
Highest: 1 x 9.5 (@HollyDunnSomething)
Lowest: 4 x 5 (@Terminus, @2014, @send photo, @Serg.)
The range of the scores for this wasn’t big, most of them were between 5 and 8. I kinda love it, but I do think that the instrumental should have been a bit faster/more energetic, as the song doesn’t fully take off. I do like that Melody has a bigger role in it than usual.
PCDPG agrees, ‘Good song and I like Melody’s solo.’ Weslicious finds it underwhelming live, ‘I like this on the album. As the tour opener it was somewhat lacking (wasn't there a version with a different chorus about entertaining the world? That may have worked better with a slightly more aggressive instrumental).’ Nn, I just looked and yes! It was used in a promotional spot for a German TV channel. It seems a bit different and beefed up.
The song does not get Sprockrooster in the mood for world domination, ‘I think this song needs to be better if you want to take over the world.’ Remorque seconds him, ‘This desperately tries to be an anthem, but fails on all costs. Nicole doesn’t really sound all that inspired and the production ain’t all that. And that fade out sounds like everybody involved gives up. Rightfully so.’ Meanwhile, it was a nice (re)discovery for Filler, ‘Well, this is a pleasant surprise, because I used to hate this and now I definitely don't? The song and whatever that sample is sound ugly and dissonant together, like some shoddy fan-made mash-up that doesn't work, but in 2017 I guess I think that's a good thing? Times are changing. Some of my best friends are ugly experimental mash-ups. And honestly I'm just relieved by any track on this album that isn't a ballad.’ What a work of art. Slice of Life is bopping, ‘Wait this is kinda cute too. Sounds very World Music which is cute’ and evilsin invents a new genre, ‘I like the lazy horns in this one’, which, frankly, I’m kind of here for.
Full length of the beefed up version:
They also filmed visuals for it for the tour: