The Pussycat Dolls Discography Rate


Staff member
Also, isn't it funny how their singles include statements with 'I'. It should be 'We'. A kii considering.

To be honest, apart from Spice Up Your Life and Backstreet's Back I can think of very few group songs that use 'we'. Having 6 people singing like they're collectively going through the same thing doesn't quite work.
To be honest, apart from Spice Up Your Life and Backstreet's Back I can think of very few group songs that use 'we'. Having 6 people singing like they're collectively going through the same thing doesn't quite work.
Yeah I just mentioned it because Nicole only sings it wasn't an actual problem just irony.



Don’t Cha

Average: 9.259

Highest: 16 x 10 (@Reboot, @2014, @haps, @Lost In Japan., @Conan, @lemonsqueezyy, @Remorque, @Pecans, @Serg., @LA Hallucinations, @Slice of Life, @Robsolete, @Epic Chocolat, @ohnostalgia, @EnsnareTheSenses, @Mr.Arroz)

Lowest: 1 x 6 (@DJHazey)​

The one that started everything. This is absolutely massive and combined with the video, a perfect way to launch any artist. This was first released by Tori Alamaze, but after flopping, they gave the song to the Dolls and everything else was history. Apparently Paris Hilton and Sugababes were both offered the song but turned it down. At least Paris released Stars Are Blind, which is an iconic song that people are still loving. It’s their highest-peaking song in the US, at #2 (it was blocked by We Belong Together).

Kimberly did a interview in 2016, which is really interesting, particularly the part where she talks about the transition from a burlesque group to a commercial girl group and how Don’t Cha was the stepping stone in that, and also about Tori Alamaze. The selection process for the group was also still ongoing while filming the video, so she wasn’t guaranteed to be in the group. She was also injured while filming the video and it doesn’t show at all, queen, and she still made the group. I highly recommend checking it out, I’ve set it to where she starts talking about Don’t Cha.

Let’s start with Reboot, who shares a really lovely story with us, ‘I still remember when I first heard this. I was thirteen, and I was on a school excursion with my classmates. It was terrible. Anyway, me and my female classmates were all gathered round the television in some dreadful bungalow, and the video for Don’t Cha played on MTV or whatever and I … didn’t get it. Needless to say, thirteen-year-old me was not yet ready to accept that there were girl groups who sang about risqué topics like this. At all. But looking back now, PCD were so, so important. Here was a girl group who wasn’t afraid to sing about sex and relationships, but who also touched on how you don’t need a man either. It was pretty exciting, at the time, and I’m glad thirteen-year-old me got over my initial reaction pretty quickly because this song is absolutely amazing. (Also, the explicit version of this is 10.5/10.)’ This made me really happy. I know we’ve had a little mishap in this thread about their lyrics, but they really are empowered women. Heck, I was around 7 when Don’t Cha was released and even I got how powerful and confident they were. Growing up with strong women as my role models taught me how to be confident but also how to treat and respect them.

Sprockrooster is not a big fan of Busta, ‘Great catchphrase, but no at Busta.’, as isn’t PCDPG, ‘An iconic song. Nearly perfect but I don’t really like Busta’s rap. The live version is better.’
It’s lost a bit of shine for GhettoPrincess, ‘I absolutely adored this song back in the day but it really has grated on me with time. Maybe cos it was just everywhere and their signature hit but I can still appreciate it for the cheekiness.’ Even Kaya gets some mentions dddd, by lemonsqueezyy, ‘Poor Kaya.’ and Remorque, ‘This actually took a while to grow on me, but once I saw the video to the song, I was fucking SOLD. Justice for the seventh girl who’s in the video, but was never seen again though.’ According to the interview above , it was Claude Racine! The video really is colossal. Haps was stanning from the beginning, ‘Don’t cha think this was the bop of the bops when it came out? YAS’.

This being the very first song in the rate is making me a bit Charli XCX – Emotional.mp3. But also it being so far away, yet still so fucking massive. I still remember MTV spamming the video and me watching it all the fucking time and never being bored of it. Scary how this seems like it was only a few years ago when it’s been over 12 years. Weslicious also reminisces, ‘Where it sort of all began, in terms of them being a viable pop group. A great debut single but knowing that there was better to come stops me giving full marks.’ Tylerc904 has a similar experience, ‘Obviously their signature tune, but never been a favorite. I LOVED it when it came out (I was in 6th grade wow), but they instantly topped themselves (again and again).’ It’s ‘A great start’ for Epic Chocolat, which evilsin agrees with, ‘A certified bop with an undeniable beat.’ Slice of Life reveals some interesting information, ‘DUN CHA~~~ Still that side hoe anthem.’ Hmmmmmmm. You’re that girl I knew you were. Finally, we make a full circle back to the beginning with Filler, ‘Tori Alamazing’. Aaaah. Perfect way to end it.​

Buttons and I Hate This Part are both very good but Buttons just has to win. It's THE Pussycat Dolls song. The lyrics, the sexiness, Melody's adlibs, the video. Everything about it is just perfect.




I Hate This Part

Average: 9.552

I was kind of surprised to see this one do so well. I’ve always loved it, but I didn’t know so many others did as well! It was actually #1 for about half of the voting period and got a lot of early 11s, but Buttons overcame it in the end. The visuals for it are also stunning and Nicole really snaps on this track. Bring it home, queen.

Pecans likes that it shows a different side to them, ‘Very few of the Dolls' songs captivate the kind of vulnerability and honesty that I Hate This Part does; it's a totally refreshing track in their discography.’ It’s the cream of the crop for Remorque, ‘One of their top 3 songs and would have gotten my 11 if the other one wouldn’t have… This should have been the first single off of that album Nicole never actually released. They all look fucking LUSH in the video too.Weslicious loves everything about it, ‘Great melody, great vocals, great song. Their best ballad.Slice of Life gets emotional, ‘EMOTIBOP. The girls have grown so much.’ Tylerc904 employs some strategy, ‘Knocking off half a point because I do think several other songs deserve a 10 over it. A cracking pop tune of course!Filler is the only commentator to submit overwhelmingly negative commentary, ‘Oh my god Nicole shut the fuck up you howling maniac. These vocals are giving me a brain haemorrhage.’ Send photo remains perfect, ‘She's got a duet but she doesn't even let the other girls sing? Awwright.’ Sprockrooster has grown distant to a bit, ‘I stanned this quite hard back in the day, but kind of lost its shine in time.’ and PCDPG praises the video, ‘One of their best songs and the video’s amazing too.

This got quite a lot of 11s. Firstly, evilsin, ‘I love this part, I gotta do it, I gotta do it, I gotta do it! I gotta give this my 11, because this song made me cry so many times other the years. I adore the rhymes and rhythms here so much and that majestic middle 8 is fucking phenominal with Nicole's vocals soaring over one of the best lines in music: But there is no more time for lies / Cause I see sunset in your eyes. Rip my heart and stomp on it, Nicole, now will you?’ WIG. Reboot’s wish comes true, ‘It seems odd to give my 11 to a song that does not necessarily encompass the average PCD sound, but it’s just a stellar song. It’s the group at their best. I hope it does well.’ Second place is pretty great! I didn’t expect it to do this well, but I’m glad it did. GhettoPrincess also loves the different side of the group it showcases, ‘I always adored this one which is weird since I loved the group initially for their uptempo material. The vocals are gorgeous, the music video is gorgeous, the choreography is gorgeous, the production is gorgeous…. everything about it is GORGEOUS! Yes it’s the Nicole show again but when the song is this good then I don’t bloody mind. Both the vulnerability and powerhouse vocals are just on another level here.’

Which means...

I mean, how the fuck does one describe this song? This is one of my favourite songs of all time and one of the best videos I’ve ever seen. The scene in the tube, them undressing, the chairs, the fire, Melody, fuck fuck fuck. It’s iconic. It’s how pop should be. It just oozes sex appeal, lust and charisma. If there’s one song that embodies the spirit of The Pussycat Dolls, it’s this one. They have a lot of 11/10 songs but this one is next level and I’m really glad it won.

It was almost an 11 for GhettoPrincess, ‘Oh what a song. If I had a second 11 it’d go to this easily and I can see it winning. That production, the sexiness of it all, Nicole’s vocals, Melody’s ad-libs….. what a sexy bop. That chorus in particular is just awesome.Tylerc904 also thought about 11ing it, ‘This better win (since my 11 will not). I toyed with giving this my 11 actually, but ultimately went with my all-time favorite. This is truly one of my favorite songs, everything about it is perfect.’ Sprockrooster owns the CD of the decade, ‘This is one of the few CD singles I own. I adored this song and I fell in love with it's b-side Flirt instantly. I needed to have both. The cherry on the pie was the video from this being on the maxi single too. I could watch that iconic video whenever I want (this was in the pre-youtube era). Best few bucks I ever spent, cause this is holding up well.’ Their best single and their best album track on the same CD?


Slice of Life shades, ‘Iconic music video. Fifth Harmony and Little Mix could neva.’ Dddd. I mean, true. Pecans stans for OooooOoh queen, ‘Melody's vocal in this is everything’ and Remorque joins in, ‘Still such a fucking jam. I don’t even mind Snoop Dogg on the single release. Highlights for me include Nicole’s chanting and Melody’s ad-libs. Justice for trying.Filler spills some tea, ‘Jesus, imagine having the luxury of being able to save a chorus like that for the FOURTH single (fifth if you count Sway but let's not) from your debut album? I love the Pussycat Dolls.’ The PCD singles run is truly bulletproof. Like, fuck. Amazing. Weslicious 11s it, kind of, but not really, ‘Yas!! One of the best bops of the 00's. Untypical, the type I fall for, I like when the digital copy leaves me asking for more so I put it on repeat.
I feel so sure that it will (rightfully) win that I am going to risk giving my 11 to a different song that I also wouldn't mind winning but doubt it will come close. So, this is my winner, but not my 11 which makes sense in my head. Ish
.’ Don’t worry, it makes sense xx. Evilsin is semi-right, ‘Certainly one of their best.’ Not one, the best. Haps’ hips don’t lie, ‘This bop makes me think I can dance real sexy. Always embarrassed when the songs end. Thank you, PCD!’ Reboot also gave it a 10, ‘Amazing. The delivery of the verses makes it.’

Only one of the eight 11s submitted commentary. Take it away, PCDPG, ‘My favorite song. It maybe isn’t their best song (I Hate This Part) but to me it always brings back a lot of memories. I enjoy their live performances of this song the most as they’ve always changed it up with different remixes. The video’s also iconic. A true highlight.’​

Talent always wins.

And of course. The one and only. The iconic AMAs 2006. The only appropriate way to end the rate.​

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