The Pussycat Dolls

I'll believe it when I see it Robin. She's lead us down this hole too many times now...

At this point I believe the Pussycat Dolls name is all Robin has left in life to cling to. She will hammer the PCD brand into the ground until her dying breath.

Is that Mikey Mindon in the background I hear screaming counts at the girls?

I will cackle if Pia Mia is still under contract for this too. The poor girl.
Ashley and Kimberley were at Sink the Pink last Saturday. Well, I'm assuming it was them as my friend said that 'two of the Pussycat Dolls were there last night' and when I asked which ones he said 'they were blonde, I think.'
Ashley and Kimberley were at Sink the Pink last Saturday. Well, I'm assuming it was them as my friend said that 'two of the Pussycat Dolls were there last night' and when I asked which ones he said 'they were blonde, I think.'

Probably unrelated but how amazing if PCD were surprise performers at this?
*flashbacks to when Louisa's Yes was gonna be launched with a STP event 6 months earlier than when it did.

So @newpcd on insta has been sharing clips and pics of the alleged members of the new generation and... they all look like beauty youtubers? Like, I don't care about a new generation that much anyway, but if you're gonna do it, do it right, gimme some unique girls, some underground bops and visuals and urban choreos. This just looks cheap.
Why do they keep doing this though if then one of them goes and says she doesn't know anything or that she wouldn't be down? Like, do they even talk to each other?
