I need to watch this week's episode but my producer hat is saying Rinna is safe. I think there's so much PR about her leaving (90% brought on by herself) that I just don't buy that she's out yet. Kyle, Erika, Garcelle and Sutton are dead certs to return. I would now wager that Crystal is safe because she's actually putting some work in.
Diana is out, no contest. Sheree won't be asked back, she shot no confessionals and wasn't asked to the reunion. Girlie took her free vacation to Aspen and dipped. I also believe this will be Kathy's final season. That leaves Dorit and Rinna. There's no way they'll axe both and my thought is that Dorit is a clear dead weight at this point. Sorry girls, she's given us everything at this point. Rinna is a mess but I think they'll keep her for one more season.
The reunion will be make or break for many of them so I/we will have to hold back final judgements until it airs.