The Real Housewives of Orange County (S18)

Honestly? Tamra was an absolute terror this season and her coming out relatively unscathed is...impressive as hell. She is a demon but her unfathomable resilience is almost surreal. I know my thithy @1991 understands.

Other than Shannon, Tamra was the biggest winner this reunion just by not coming across as a complete cave-dwelling cretin.

Biggest losers? Obviously Alexis and Heather.

Emily's YOU'RE THE DUMBEST GIRL I'VE EVER MET should get her an orange again. SAWRY!
Alexis is delusional! My god... she (and Johnny J) are so far up their own asses. I really enjoyed Gina during this reunion though. I worry about Jenn and Katie, who weren't at the last little segment with the rest of the girls though.
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finally watched the final part of the reunion.

Hmmmmm. Just hmmmm.

Tamra got off SO fucking easy the entire reunion. She wasn't challenged at all. It felt like only Jenn had the balls to come for her. Even Andy was handling her with kid gloves ffs.

Alexis was destroyed. She simply has no reason to return. She has no friends outside of Jenn and Katie but they're both fan faves and I think they know to steer clear from her if they want audiences to continue to root for them.

Tamra having print outs of the text messages between her and Shannon was bull shit production tomfoolery. I hate that Shannon forgave Tamra for it all and now they want to build on their friendship - WHY??!!?! I love Shannon but seriously, are you not asking to be dissapointed again?

Emily did kinda redeem herself with the Alexis takedown but I am not quick to forget how nasty and below the belt she was in part 1 and part 2. Her MAGA QAnon ass is on notice.

The revelation about John hearing the crash felt very much like Heather and Tamra scrambling to course correct their performance in the season being against Shannon the whole time. Why wait so long to reveal such important information that would have worked in Shannon's favour? It didn't feel very genuine to me.
