Ddd, the homophobe keeps digging that hole. Braunwyn really got to ha, of all people.
I hope she booked a gay cruise by mistake.
Correction, she is a homophobic cretin. Her dumb video response only goes to show she doesn’t understand the further discussion at hand either. She’s also massively kink-shaming those in open relationships as well. I wish someone would’ve brought up her alleged sleeping with multiple partners just to really make her face explode.It's...sad. I remember when Vicki tearfully said she would love and accept a gay child during the season 3 reunion. That was a bit forward-thinking for the franchise at that time. And now she's so desperate to get that orange that she's coming across like a homophobic cretin. Her soul really has rotted away.
I want Gina to go too but I feel like the optics of firing her after what happened with her ex might prevent that...
If getting rid of Gina saves Emily, then I'm fine waving her off. Farewell!
THIRTY???I AM HOWLING. This is @johnny_tsunami in 30 more years. ASSJSKFFFF
We have neglected to explore Jo De La Rosa being the first in a long line of Housewives to explore a music career:
Also remember how likeable Gretchen was in the beginning?
Her relationship with Slade turned me off in a major way. I liked her so much beforehand.Gretchen became unlikable? When?
I think her last season she was really ganged up on by Vicki and Tamra. The Malibu Country crap was stupid but that season really proved to me how fake Tamra and Vicki were.
Tamra used Gretchen the season before to try and get Alexis fired/to quit and it worked until production got Alexis to agree to come back to stand up for herself.
Tamra got her friendship with Vicki back and played both sides to get rid of both Gretchen and Alexis and it worked.