The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City (S5)

The question is whether they want her there. Home girl needs every ounce of money she can get right now, and they don't pay out their full salaries without the reunion hence why Luann and Ramona were extra pissed about the RHONY: S13 situation.
I feel like there is no way Jen won't be at the reunion if they allow her. She literally just reactivated her twitter to fued with Lisa. These are her last days with her family and her main priority is feuding with housewives! She wouldn't miss this reunion for anything.

I just wonder how it'll go for her. It would be so easy to demolish her because she doesn't have a moral leg to stand on. I feel like it potentially could be one of the most explosive reunions ever if the women hold her to the fire like they should.
The SLC ladies have proven nothing is too low for them and Jen's date to turn herself in could be months after sentencing in January, so I say film Season 4 with her last few months and end it/the entire franchise with her actually going off to prison.
Not Bad Weather worming her way onto Below Deck Adventure this season, carrying the Shah Exposed Duo on her back & Angie now being lower thirded as ‘Angela’.
The SLC ladies have proven nothing is too low for them and Jen's date to turn herself in could be months after sentencing in January, so I say film Season 4 with her last few months and end it/the entire franchise with her actually going off to prison.
For completion sake I would throw some money at her to capture her final days, but they need to plan it out like they used to. Remember when Lauri and Jeana left OC mid-season and we got replacements? I would like something like that. Film a month with Jen, send her off to prison then the remaining cast can regroup with new cast members and set forth on a new chapter.

I wouldn't focus on her for too long, maybe 3-4 episodes, but I do think a send off would be nice.
The Heather/Whitney saga is frustrating because there’s a bit of fault on both sides, but it also seems incredibly blown out of proportion on Whitney’s end. It just really isn’t that deep.
Yeah, hopefully Meredith brings up the shit about Lisa’s business next week because I’m tired of the Whitney, Heather and Jen mess. I cared about the Bad Weather storyline early in the season but I’m over it now. They’re both annoying.
For years prior to Salt Lake City, our biggest complaint as a fanbase of Housewives was stagnant dynamics (Beverly Hills being the biggest culprit, Jersey and OC at times too). Potomac, Atlanta and New York have (almost) always been reliable franchises because the dynamics shift each season and create new ways to enjoy the cast.

Salt Lake City has taken those complaints of stagnation and dialled it completely the other way. I feel like every few episodes since mid-season 2, I forget what is going on and why. The main storylines and feuds remain clear (Heather v. Whitney, Lisa v. Meredith, Jen v. Everyone) but at least 2-3 times per episode one of the women will make reference to a feud/tension/plot point that either makes 0 sense in context or I've just straight up forgotten.
