The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City (S5)

The reason I love Angie so much is A) she's camp beyond belief, but in a very natural fun way that veers between cringe and genius. The scroll shouldn't have worked but it just does because she commits. B) She has that thing @Mr.Arroz identified in Sutton last year about how she constantly has more to show, layers that go unseen until she's ready, that sense there's far more to her than you first realise. C) She's not afraid to make a fool of herself, which is the single most important quality a great Housewife can have. I think she's brilliant.
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Meredith (who’s usually mother to me) is being very annoying in this scenario. One of my biggest pet peeves in Housewives across all franchise is when they pull the “you brought my KID INTO THIS” card when that’s often … not what actually happens. Shawn was not commenting on Brooks or bringing him into it, he was commenting on MEREDITH and her actions.

But yes, these women go from absolutely being gutter trash to each other one season and then loving each other the next, so Angie and Meredith having this seasons long resentment over dumb shit feels random.

Okay okay. I agree with both Meredith having a poor season (where’s the camp gone?!! Angie really zapped it all from her) and her bringing up Brooks was a reach instead of going with how it was more of an attack on HER character being disingenuous with the LGBTQ community etc.

However, again, I’m going to need to call out the pretend amnesia from Angie and Shawn when it comes to Meredith and her “actions”, which most people are buying still. Meredith really did nothing to Angie and Shawn - like okay she was the catalyst to bombs being dropped by Monica, egged on by Whitney, but to keep dragging Meredith for their actions IS annoying and I get why it’s annoying for Meredith. And who really believes the gays were outraged about the “rumours and nastiness” scene? Like c’mon!

But I do think Meredith needs to reevaluate how she deals with conflict in the group. It’s not that serious, you should know your own character, so have fun with it, be shady and move on. We don’t get to see ANY fun side of Meredith anymore.
As someone who finds Heather incredibly frustrating I also see myself in her nn, I think she has mean girl tendencies that serve as a defense mechanism when she feels like she's being iced out or isolated. It's a case of the 'us vs. them' that's instilled with religion combined with never getting to be at the cool table, I imagine she always feels like she's one wrong move away from losing her friends justified or not. I do think she's empathetic but to a degree that gets in her way: she wants to validate everyone's feelings in one on one situations but then she's seen as duplicitous as a result. I don't know, I think she's as fascinating as any of them.

Also how has no one brought up Mary's last confessional?? That Flinstones comment got an actual scream out of me.
Angie K raising Audrey Hepburn from the dead and radiating glamour!!! The singular curl teased within an inch of its life! The clavicle being adorned by pearls! The winged eyeliner doing just enough of a flick and a face card that could actually buy Meredith a home!
All after giving us genuine emoting and layers? That is Range. That is Mother.
Heather and Meredith are FRIED this season, it's fascinating to watch.

Meredith is so uptight and unable to be self aware that she keeps dragging out the conflict with Angie unnecessarily. No matter how she slices it, she did bring rumours about Shawn on camera, and she didn't need to call him an f-word on camera for that to be the case. All her semantic arguments do is make her look foolish.

Heather essentially told Bronwyn that she took an instant dislike to her because she didn't want to deal with any more newbies after Monica and acting like that was a completely normal thing to put on Bronwyn?? She clearly didn't anticipate Bronwyn's popularity, but I actually expect her to double down at the reunion and pull her old 'you know what guys I was really hurt and I felt like Bronwyn was calling me fat and ugly so I reacted-' schtick.
I'm still perplexed as to how Meili made friend status nn I need someone to fill us in.
There were rumours she had beef with Lisa but it was short lived cause she started crying every time.. So I'm actually gagged they gave her a friend of status if they edited out her only storyline nn.
