The Royal Family



I keep reading William and Kate are going to get engaged soon and hitched in November. Why can't Chelsea dump Harry and get with William and be queen? She's way more fun than that frumpy Kate Middleton (I understand your a sloane darling but your in your 20s stop dressing like a 47 year old sloane).


I'm not having 'Ready To Go' as the national anthem, thanks.
You just made the royal family sound about a thousand times more exciting than they actually are. Congratulations of some sort are in order!


Camilla's really grown on me in recent years. Like most people I thought she was a mega beyotch from hell during the diana years but i've warmed to her lately. I think it's because Jilly Cooper and Joan Rivers are friends with her...even Unkle Karl L has said he likes her!
We Americans love the royals. Although no house has been quite as fun as The Tudors!

(Could I possibly sound more ignorant?)

The Poop Master

Someboy said:
We Americans love the royals.
We do?
All I know is that the prince with ginger hair can be attractive on a good day.
Well, the American entertainment media has always had a sort of fascination with the British royal family.
How can you dislike the Royal Family? Charles aside, they're so cute. I love the fact that the Queen probably wants to put Fergie in the tower.
I'd like to think that the Queen will outlive Prince Charles. Ruling far into her hundreds, but unfortunately that would be near impossible.
I find the Netherlands royal family more fascinating, but it always saddens me that we don't have a royal family in the US...the Kennedys don't count haha.
I love our Royal Family too although it always makes me laugh that the princesses with exotic names from other Royal Families in Europe who inevitably do the British reality shows are all much more glamorous and beautiful than any of our bunch.
UnderPressure said:
I love our Royal Family too although it always makes me laugh that the princesses with exotic names from other Royal Families in Europe who inevitably do the British reality shows are all much more glamorous and beautiful than any of our bunch.

That they're doing reality shows proves how insignificant they are, though. None of the Queen's grandchildren would be allowed near a reality television show, and that's how they retain some of their appeal. I like the way the Queen has never given an 'interview', either.
Mr Telephone Man said:
The Kennedys don't count haha.

The Kennedys haven't been interesting for decades. The never-ending Clinton soap-opera, however, will always be fun to watch.


My favourite royal is definately princess caroline's son andreas casiraghi. He's lovely.

