The Saturdays

Re: The Saturdays - The Way You Watch Me (Fourth Single)

They just whack Una behind the counter, no baby bump visible, problem solved.
Re: The Saturdays - The Way You Watch Me (Fourth Single)

They need a new "Higher". It's their catchiest song. I can remember it more instantly than any of the On Your Radar singles. "Ego" probably comes in second. That's the sound that works for them. I love "All Fired Up", but that song is a mouthful and I find the chorus hard to recall in an instant like those of "Ego" and "Higher".
Re: The Saturdays - The Way You Watch Me (Fourth Single)

They should have Ina Wroldsen co-write everything. That woman makes their songs. She knows her way around a catchy chorus.
Re: The Saturdays - The Way You Watch Me (Fourth Single)

Plus I think that their work with her is just "their sound"and everything else ends up feeling a bit generic. Since Vanessa is no longer the lead singer, they don't really have an easily identifiable voice, so they're a group that (in my opinion) needs to stick to one sound so casual listeners will know they're hearing The Saturdays. At least for their singles.
Re: The Saturdays - The Way You Watch Me (Fourth Single)

That is my major gripe about the Saturdays. They have been with Ina for way too long and it seems like they rely on her to write a 'Saturdays' song.
Re: The Saturdays - The Way You Watch Me (Fourth Single)

lauc05 said:
That is my major gripe about the Saturdays. They have been with Ina for way too long and it seems like they rely on her to write a 'Saturdays' song.

It's weird as all the songs she writes aren't for the Saturdays. She doesn't write for them in particular.
Re: The Saturdays - The Way You Watch Me (Fourth Single)

Well, I don't see them as the most versatile group, so I think they'd be safest just recording the same song over and over. See Britney Spears' singles run "...Baby" through "Stronger".


Staff member
Re: The Saturdays - The Way You Watch Me (Fourth Single)

ElectricPlatypus said:
Well, I don't see them as the most versatile group, so I think they'd be safest just recording the same song over and over. See Britney Spears' singles run "...Baby" through "Stronger".

I'd say only Oops & Baby (maybe Crazy and Stronger at a push) were really 'the same songs' there.
Re: The Saturdays - The Way You Watch Me (Fourth Single)

Oops! Crazy, Stronger, Baby, Lucky...all pretty similar. I love Britney so I don't mean it in a bad way, I just mean I don't really see the Sats as having the artistic potential to evolve their sound so much and should stick to what they're known for, and good at.

I'd be happy to be proven wrong. I think On Your Radar is a very good album and shouldn't be cast aside so quickly.
Re: The Saturdays - The Way You Watch Me (Fourth Single)'s a dual release? The states and world in general get a new song (as part of their tv...?) and the UK will get a release The Way You Watch Me as well?
Re: The Saturdays - The Way You Watch Me (Fourth Single)

ElectricPlatypus said:
They need a new "Higher". It's their catchiest song. I can remember it more instantly than any of the On Your Radar singles. "Ego" probably comes in second. That's the sound that works for them. I love "All Fired Up", but that song is a mouthful and I find the chorus hard to recall in an instant like those of "Ego" and "Higher".

How is the All Fired Up chorus not easy to remember?!?!?

"All fired up... I feel alive"
Re: The Saturdays - The Way You Watch Me (Fourth Single)

haha Oh dear if you can't remember the All Fired Up chorus you've got problems.
Re: The Saturdays - The Way You Watch Me (Fourth Single)

It's memorable, just a bit of a mouthful, especially at the pace they sing the lyrics! Plus, it's often a bit hard to identify the chorus in Xenomania songs. "Ego" and "Higher" are crisp and clear and easily imitated by a 7year old.
Re: The Saturdays - The Way You Watch Me (Fourth Single)

Hardly a mouthful, its six words. They're not even sung that fast.
Re: The Saturdays - The Way You Watch Me (Fourth Single)

ElectricPlatypus said:
It's memorable, just a bit of a mouthful, especially at the pace they sing the lyrics! Plus, it's often a bit hard to identify the chorus in Xenomania songs. "Ego" and "Higher" are crisp and clear and easily imitated by a 7year old.

I know what you mean. 'All Fired Up' and 'Notorious' were great songs but they didn't follow the typical structure of a song. 'Higher' had the standard verses followed by a huge singalong chorus.
Re: The Saturdays - The Way You Watch Me (Fourth Single)

The reason someone might find it hard to remember the chorus of 'All Fired Up' is because the song's got a random structure to it like the early Girls Aloud songs.
