Ooh this sounds like it's right up my street. Will definitely be watching when it comes to streaming!
Ooh this sounds like it's right up my street. Will definitely be watching when it comes to streaming!
Watch it!Ooh this sounds like it's right up my street. Will definitely be watching when it comes to streaming!
No <3I mean, I've as many straight men raving about the film as I've seen women who found it entertaining but reductive in the scope of its subject matter. One of a duo of girlies walking out of my screening said "I thought she was just going to get more botox and fillers." Anecdotal evidence remains anecdotal!
The hype was a bit too late to take over Halloween this year but next year...I'm ready for the costumes.
For you.The hype was a bit too late to take over Halloween this year
Most of the items are sold out. Get more stock in!!!Only ships to UK + US fuck my life.