I have my share of grievances with this show but I can't deny that it's entertaining. The needless space filler every episode eats into so much of the show's air time, and with so many reality staples competing (20+) people a lot of that time could be used to give us more soundbites. The tacky soundtrack and blatant riggory of the challenges are minor nuisances. Then you also have them disrespecting the viewers' intelligence by throwing in Boston Rob anyway after their first twist backfired. It's all so corny and insulting to the viewer's time.
Yet, here I am eating this content up like I'm a starving child in Africa. I just can't get enough of these pseudo celebrities from seemingly isolated backgrounds crossing paths by happenstance in this Scottish manor. It's like the wildest fan fiction of reality nerds come to life.
Also, why is it now a tradition to always make the black woman a traitor? I find Bob The Drag Queen obnoxious but I also find him to be a much necessary counterbalance to them deciding to cast literally every douchebro to have won either Big Brother or Survivor. We have not only Boston Rob, but Jeremy, Tony and Derek. I am nauseous.