The Traitors USA (S3) *SPOILERS*

Just so we're clear, when is it fair game after an episode airs to discuss it without spoiler tags?

My thoughts on the first 3 episodes...

Dorinda being out first was devastating. Out of all the housewives, she's the only one I really knew/care about. And she would've brought so much entertainment! Ugh.

Bringing three new men into the game after that was such a horrible decision. I feel like the cast is unbalanced, with so many dominant male players and not many dominant female players. They should've casted more competitive queens like Kelley Wentworth or Abi Maria from Survivor, Ashley Mitchell or Laurel from The Challenge, and Daniele or Taylor from Big Brother. However, I do like Boston Rob and Wes overall. Rob is a fascinating player and Wes brings drama. Derrick is an utter bore and can leave...

I was impressed with Boston Rob throwing Tony under the bus in order to save Bob The Drag Queen. He really solidified Tony's exit, and I respected it.

Love Bob and Danielle down, but they are both doing too much. I feel like they are totally writing Carolyn off and being dismissive of her input as well, when she's literally the least suspicious of the Traitors.

Overall the first three episodes were a lot of fun! I need to see more Britney though. I hope she gets pulled in as a Traitor at some point.
Carolyn is SET to go so far. They are already setting it up that Bob and Danielle will out themselves, and Carolyn will totally just sail.

Loved Bob at the round table. Queen isn't long for this world, but she's making every moment count.

Dylan Efron is about to be this season's Peter. Keep it.
I thought that too until the end of episode 3. If it wasn’t just editing shenanigans and Gabby really did see Carolyn and Danielle leave the secret room, then I think that’s where the attention would go next, especially if Alan reveals that the Traitors met up in the castle.
I've been a closeted Robyn Dixon fan for a while now, so seeing her shine here has given me the courage to finally come out and live my truth.

"I wasn't nervous at all! HAH!" - Robyn Dixon taking a shot of her drink after surviving the first roundtable by one vote.
I thought that too until the end of episode 3. If it wasn’t just editing shenanigans and Gabby really did see Carolyn and Danielle leave the secret room, then I think that’s where the attention would go next, especially if Alan reveals that the Traitors met up in the castle.

I definitely think this was an editing whirlwind.
Not ready to write this whole season off yet, but...

the overwhelming male energy of this season is sooo off-putting and I hate that they are getting rid of all the Housewives so early on. Surprised by how poorly Bob and Danielle are playing the game as traitors honestly - Dorinda would've been a perfect shield because you know she would've gotten herself banished at some point. I'm not sure I totally get Bob's rationale of making it look like the "Housewives are killing each other!!!" when we've seen from previous seasons that the housewives tend to stick to their own and aren't really strategic enough for that kind of gameplay. And even if they were, it's a pretty flimsy narrative to keep pushing - no one's really believing it and suspicion will eventually just direct itself towards the gamers once they've run out of housewives anyway. Keeping the housewives and other "loud" players in the game allows them to stay hidden a while longer, because going this hard right out of the gate is just a classic recipe for getting yourselves caught. Hoping the ending of the episode was just production trickery - I adore Carolyn's gameplay and I don't think I could deal with another mid-season Survivor queen flameout after Parvati's showing last season.
I have my share of grievances with this show but I can't deny that it's entertaining. The needless space filler every episode eats into so much of the show's air time, and with so many reality staples competing (20+) people a lot of that time could be used to give us more soundbites. The tacky soundtrack and blatant riggory of the challenges are minor nuisances. Then you also have them disrespecting the viewers' intelligence by throwing in Boston Rob anyway after their first twist backfired. It's all so corny and insulting to the viewer's time.

Yet, here I am eating this content up like I'm a starving child in Africa. I just can't get enough of these pseudo celebrities from seemingly isolated backgrounds crossing paths by happenstance in this Scottish manor. It's like the wildest fan fiction of reality nerds come to life.

Also, why is it now a tradition to always make the black woman a traitor? I find Bob The Drag Queen obnoxious but I also find him to be a much necessary counterbalance to them deciding to cast literally every douchebro to have won either Big Brother or Survivor. We have not only Boston Rob, but Jeremy, Tony and Derek. I am nauseous.
like I'm a starving child in Africa.

Ooh that’s not…


losing Dorinda and then potentially gaining THREE more white men players within 15 minutes was like a punch to the stomach!!

One thing I do find fascinating is how no one can handle how direct housewives are! That one guy saying Robyn got upset at him when he said Dorinda was a bad murder choice. As a sworn Juan dixon’s roommate hater even I can call that bs. She was the furthest thing from upset!
Love the other two seasons but will I have to fast forward my Fire Stick remote through the challenges again? I wish it was all mind games and not that MTV Challenge stuff. I need more iconic moments like this
Too many straight men in this game.

Dorinda being the first killed was such a bad move. Also, she brings such energy… it’s souring the season already for me.

Then the three straight, white men… two of whom have been on other shows lately (Deal or No Deal and House of Villains). It’s awful and boring. When will Kate and Parvati show up to briefly bring some happiness to my screen?
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I thought the cast was odd when it was announced but I enjoyed these three episodes. I love that you really can't predict what you'll get with this show which keeps things fresh. I'll say, I didn't clock any of this.

I think they did a great job of picking traitors. I was so excited to see Danielle and Bob in there! I expected Carolyn to be the messy one but she is actually very clever. It's reminding me of her time on Survivor, another show I underestimated her on. I'm enjoying the fun they provide because Danielle and Bob aren't going to last. I wanted to hate Rob, but he was giving them the type of advice you need and they just wouldn't listen. This housewives quest is stupid because once the cast realizes it was false they will look at who pushed that narrative which would reveal Danielle. They eliminated one person who had a target on her back and was a shield (Dorinda) and one person who would never be able to guess who the traitors are (Ayan). It's baffling!

For the faithfuls, I will say I didn't expect to like Robyn or Dylan but they were both big highlights for me. I loooooooved Bob Harper and I didn't know who Gabby was but surprisingly loved her here. Chrishell was another shocker for me, I underestimated her. I didn't like Tom Sandavol and I was wanting to give him another chance. Tony and Jeremy both annoy me.

Overall they gave me enough to get me invested. I also love how batshit crazy the roundtables are. I'm curious who will last considering everybody is so vocal right now.
