It’s a bit of a perfect storm for him.Does anyone else find the media storm around this all a bit ridiculous?
Phillip is rightly being called out for terrible behaviour. But is having an affair something groundbreaking that deserves this wall to wall coverage? The fact that right wing media outlets and pundits like Holmes and Wooton are loving this says it all.
There has always been interest in the behind the scenes drama on This Morning - from John Leslie to Phil’s fall out with Fern.
Plus, this has been brewing for years. It was inevitable it would come out eventually but it feels like a tabloid pressure release to finally run with it.
There’s also the horrible stuff with his brother that gives a certain demographic satisfaction to link the two things. Homophobia is definitely playing a part, as is the disconnect with Phil’s holier than thou TV persona.
And, Phil’s made powerful enemies in the media who are loving this. Dan and Eamonn are really adding fuel the fire, and Dan in particular has strong links to tabloid hacks who have an interest in blowing this up as much as possible, and for as long as possible.
So, coupled with the ickyness of what he did it’s hard to see how this could’ve played out any differently really.