This Morning

Does anyone else find the media storm around this all a bit ridiculous?

Phillip is rightly being called out for terrible behaviour. But is having an affair something groundbreaking that deserves this wall to wall coverage? The fact that right wing media outlets and pundits like Holmes and Wooton are loving this says it all.
It’s a bit of a perfect storm for him.

There has always been interest in the behind the scenes drama on This Morning - from John Leslie to Phil’s fall out with Fern.

Plus, this has been brewing for years. It was inevitable it would come out eventually but it feels like a tabloid pressure release to finally run with it.

There’s also the horrible stuff with his brother that gives a certain demographic satisfaction to link the two things. Homophobia is definitely playing a part, as is the disconnect with Phil’s holier than thou TV persona.

And, Phil’s made powerful enemies in the media who are loving this. Dan and Eamonn are really adding fuel the fire, and Dan in particular has strong links to tabloid hacks who have an interest in blowing this up as much as possible, and for as long as possible.

So, coupled with the ickyness of what he did it’s hard to see how this could’ve played out any differently really.
As much as I don't like Eamon, I found everything he's said regarding this topic to be sincere. The bitter ex-colleague narrative feels appropriate for Wooton but the Eamon and Ruth stuff doesn't fit into the timeline... I would need to dig deeper or get the other side of the story for it to all make sense, because as far as Schofield is concerned Eamon and Ruth are pathological liars.
Does anyone else find the media storm around this all a bit ridiculous?

Phillip is rightly being called out for terrible behaviour. But is having an affair something groundbreaking that deserves this wall to wall coverage? The fact that right wing media outlets and pundits like Holmes and Wooton are loving this says it all.
He abused his position of power over someone who trusted him and pursued a sexual relationship with them, then used his power to hide his activities. It's so much more than just him having an affair. People are rightfully angry about the fact yet another famous person has acted like they are untouchable, abused their position and not given a single fuck about who they hurt in the process.
He abused his position of power over someone who trusted him and pursued a sexual relationship with them, then used his power to hide his activities. It's so much more than just him having an affair. People are rightfully angry about the fact yet another famous person has acted like they are untouchable, abused their position and not given a single fuck about who they hurt in the process.

I don’t disagree with you.

But the media that’s keeping this front page don’t actually care about what he did. Do you think Dan Wooton actually cares about justice or the well-being of the young man? He doesn’t. He just wants to tear someone down.
I don’t disagree with you.

But the media that’s keeping this front page don’t actually care about what he did. Do you think Dan Wooton actually cares about justice or the well-being of the young man? He doesn’t. He just wants to tear someone down.
But many other people do care. This is the kind of thing that deserves to be news so that those responsible are made to feel shamed by their abhorrent behaviour. Far too many people have gotten away with actions like this for too long and more and more people are not going to just stand by anymore.
Just because there is a small group of people who are using the story to hate on someone they have a problem with doesn't mean it needs to just be swept away.
I didn’t say it should be swept away. I just don’t think it warrants this level of hysteria and coverage. Especially not when there is a young man at the centre of all this.
Is it confirmed that he abused his power?

As far as I've followed it seems he is apologizing for the massive age gap and adultery aspects of it, but denies any grooming or abuse.

Comparing it to how many powerful men married much younger women and sometimes jump from one involvement to the next (ie, with adultery inbetween) and don't get cancelled or torn apart like this, it does seem like homophobia is fueling a fat slice of the hatred toward him.
This came out last night. Quite a damning read on the toxic culture overall on This Morning.

I don’t imagine this is the only show on our screens to foster a poor working environment, but I think it is right they are made an example of. Too many workplaces, certainly places I have worked (not in TV), permit covert and overt racism, classism, sexism and so on.
This came out last night. Quite a damning read on the toxic culture overall on This Morning.

I don’t imagine this is the only show on our screens to foster a poor working environment, but I think it is right they are made an example of. Too many workplaces, certainly places I have worked (not in TV), permit covert and overt racism, classism, sexism and so on.
I feel exhausted and anxious just reading that piece. I really hope this whole incident starts a more rigorous monitoring of cultures and behaviour in the workplace.


Staff member
As much as I don't like Eamon, I found everything he's said regarding this topic to be sincere. The bitter ex-colleague narrative feels appropriate for Wooton but the Eamon and Ruth stuff doesn't fit into the timeline... I would need to dig deeper or get the other side of the story for it to all make sense, because as far as Schofield is concerned Eamon and Ruth are pathological liars.
I’m a bit mixed. On one hand, I do want more something about Phil’s behind the scenes behavior to come out but on the other hand, it’s the fact that we have to accept that it’s from Eamonn Holmes of all people.
I’m not an insider and haven’t had first experience, but from multiple sources through family and friends with direct experience of Phil and Holly, I believe the general direction this has gone in.

I have heard nothing about Dan through them, but I did have a generally amusing encounter with him about 8 years ago when we were in the same gym. He came in, went on an exercise bike, and then proceeded to jump off and on it in the space of an hour, without doing any exercise. He kept getting staff over to complain (from what I heard and saw, he couldn’t adjust his height properly to the bike). He had the air of something thinking he was very important when probably no one else other than me in that gym knew who he was. I get the impression he enjoys seeing the falling grace of others.
Those pictures are reminding me of when Heidi Montag staged paparazzi pictures of her crying and then made it her single artwork.

If he would just shut up and go away, people would tire of criticizing and the media would inevitably begin to air more favourable takes in order to continue the debate - and thus continue profiting off of this debacle.

As he continues trying to control the narrative, people are given enough material to just continue speaking out.
Holly’s meant to be delivering a prepared statement in the opening of This Morning tomorrow, that I’m sure will deliver absolutely nothing new or salacious, but keep the news around the show circling for the next month.
Holly’s meant to be delivering a prepared statement in the opening of This Morning tomorrow, that I’m sure will deliver absolutely nothing new or salacious, but keep the news around the show circling for the next month.

I wonder if this drama is good or bad for ratings?

Meanwhile, saw this on Twitter:

