This Rate (Will Be My Downfall) - The Ellie Goulding rate (WINNER ANNOUNCED - I'M FREE)


Staff member
I meant "shut" but ehh.

Ellie finding about this would be iconic. Might be even more iconic than those Ellie encounters that some PJers had.
Oh y’all wanted a cut??...

I’m sure this comes as NO surprise to anyone...

79. I Do What I Love


You know how long this took me to make? Too fucking long.

Average: 3.27
High: 10 x 2 (@kaushik, @Pinkie)
Low: 0 x 8 (@GhettoPrincess, @enjoy, @Blodskur, @Mikey1701, @D.Jay, @xtophermorrison, @HeartSwells, @Number)

My score: 7

I was not shocked to see this trailing behind the other tracks throughout the course of the voting period, out of all the Delirium tracks that people loathed (and there were a lot), this was the one the stood out from the very beginning. It never even stood a chance...the average of the next track up maintained a 2-point distance throughout the main bulk of the voting.

But why such a strong reaction? Well, for starters, it’s just...odd? It’s so seemingly out of character for our lil electropop cherub to be making such an abrasive and jarring attempt at...well I don’t even know how to explain it...hip hop? No. Trap? No. Rap? No. That’s it! This is just ‘no’. Although, after doing some digging I discovered that Ellie grew up on a council estate, NOT a farmhouse in the South West like I once perhaps this was her channelling her long-supressed urban rootz??? Hew knows...

Like many of the TWENTY-TWO Delirium deluxe edition tracks, this is also a victim of it’s inclusion on the album when it clearly does not the range to be there. Like, on the surface this is a fun little song and it would possibly be fun in different circumstances but I guess it’s a bit like salt in the wounds for some…especially when we’ve now heard ANTHEMS like Here’s To Us that didn’t make it on any edition. Maybe some things are better left on the cutting room floor, Els?

I am proud to be one of the track's defenders and I stand by my generous score. Sure, it actually isn’t very good BUT it’s memorable and ‘bitches gotta eat’ is an iconic lyric and people are still loving it.

Despite low-key rooting for this track’s moderate success (i.e. not coming in dead last), y’all were fucking savage and sometimes in life, you just gotta watch a mess unfold.

With this in mind…

GhettoPrincess (0) appreciates the notion of experimentation but no, Ellie…just…no.

I appreciate when artists try something different but this? Especially Ellie as sometimes her songs are a bit too similar but fucking hell, it’s awful.

When a legit Ellie super-fan like D.Jay (0) reads a song for filth, you know that shit ain’t right…

The less said about this the better. What a travesty of a song. Cringe worthy and basic as fuck.

I’m lowkey shook that even Sprockrooster (1) doesn’t like this if I’m honest:

Is this an attempt at hiphop? My god. What a disaster.

ufint (1) isn’t convinced…

I don’t believe you’re doing what you love. Not for a second. You don’t love yourself, do you?

As if things couldn’t get any worse...Slice of Life (1) mentioned Iggy Azalea’s career!

...sis... sis... what the hell is this shit??? This is like Igloo Australia level of messery. Now I will forever associate you with this tragedy. There are certain risks that just doesn't offer any payoff. This is one of the more obvious ones, sis.

Although his score was no laughing matter, at least Consideration (1) saw the funny side…

A Goulddigger's ññnññ confession: I sometimes put this on for a kii and would give it a good score for comedic value but let me be objective and look at this as an actual song, which is a tragedy of the highest proportions.

As exemplified by Aester (2), writing tongue-and-cheek ‘sassy’ lyrics might seem fun at first, but can come back to bite you in the arse quite easily…

This starts out quite promising before it devolves into obnoxious shouting. “Stop me, stop me--” Okay, done.

ohnostalgia (2) appreciated that she was trying something different...but no.

This is highkey ridiculous, but I'd rather she try and fail spectacularly than produce seven variations of the same beige song.

BreatheBox (2), I’m sure, spoke on behalf of the voters who didn’t submit commentary for this by asking ‘what is this even?’.

DJHazey (3) has joined the baying mob for once and I’m a bit shook:

Very disjointed and ultimately try-hard sounding, this one falls short in almost every category. What an unfortunate anomaly.

Daniel! (3) just has such a way with words, doesn’t he? Like he could read me for filth and I’d still want to kiki with him in The Apprentice thread afterwards…

Ellie’s foray into the musical comedy genre was ill-advised. “Bitches gotta eat” stays iconic though.

Now, I don’t know Remyky22 (4) personally, but I highly doubt that he has the range for such a catchphrase…

"Bitches gotta eat" has been my catchphrase for quite some time, but I often forget it's actually from this song. Anyway, the song is awful.

Ladies and gentlemen, I gives me great displeasure to present...a reach, courtesy of rdp (4.5)...

The white girl version of Beyoncé’s Grown Woman.

Island agreed with these sentiments but decided to be nice regardless…

Yes, it’s awful but I ironically enjoy this so a 5 is what it’s getting.

First2Run (6.5) was the first2admit that this track was fucked from the get-go, and they’re ok with that…

I semi-ironically love this but I am well aware it doesn’t deserve to go very far in this.

Thankfully, DrinkMyTears (8) was standing by to defend ha honor:

It sounds like it accidentally made it into the album and that's what I love about this. Amongst all the filler in this album this is at least memorable.

I mean yeah, you certainly won’t forget this one in a hurry…

Pinkie gave this a 10 ‘for a kii’ least someone saw the fun in this track...

kaushik (10) ain’t playing with u hoes, he has no fucks to give!

You know what, I don't care what anyone has to say about my score for this song. I've gone from hating this to absolutely loving it. It was that song that I just loved to hate on, I'd never skip it - I'd play it all through and hate every single second until I realised that I can't hate something that I listen to entirely. I kept listening to the song over and over and eventually I fell in love with it. I think it’s her most adventurous effort. The lyrics are rubbish, yes; she's wasting that gorgeous voice trying to rap, yes; but it’s that kind song that you can either hate or love, but you just can't ignore - at least for me.

Let them KNOW!

So there we are, feel free to post all the 'evil is defeated' memes and such until the next elimination later on today...hint: It's a double.
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I feel like instead of the Divergent instrumentals another extra no one cares about will leave. That or something from Delirium again until the album is entirely out.
