This Rate (Will Be My Downfall) - The Ellie Goulding rate (WINNER ANNOUNCED - I'M FREE)

I gave Scream It Out a 6 so I should probably not be upset about it leaving, but there's a lot of worse stuff still left.
63. Around U


I'm very proud of this artwork, c'mon colour-coordination!

Average: 6.57
High: 9 x 2 (@Mikey1701 @Animalia)
Low: 2 x 2 (@Terminus @D.Jay)
My score: 8

DAMMIT! I really like this one, it's just so adorable! That said, I'm not surprised you HAGS couldn't take the surgery sweet bubblegum pop of this track. The production is wonderful; so light, fluffy and full of hooks, so naturally this is one of Greg Kurstin's. In an album where a lot of the tracks are plagued with a sense of lifelessness and melancholy, having a track so damn sweet and relentlessly perky was a really welcome addition to the standard edition.

I can't be too bitter because it didn't perform badly at all; it got no 0s or even any 1s, but it failed to snatch the 10s that saw the other tracks moving up in the stakes, leaving it behind after the mid-point of voting. I gave it an 8 because it is a pretty, simple little pop song which serves its purpose successfully. I guess when compared to the equivalent tracks on Lights (Little Dreams, Salt Skin), it doesn't really match up, but in isolation it's a bop.

Terminus (2) using lyrics from the track makes me think that he likes this more than he lets on…

Is it to much to ask that this song could have just been left over this slightly bloated mess?

Someone's been perusing @Island's, D.Jay (2)...

Sounds like an S Club 7 song and not in a good way. Probably one of the cheesiest songs she has ever recorded and one that just plods along really. I prefer the heartbroken Ellie than the loved up one to be honest (music wise).

At least GhettoPrincess (5) likes the middle 8! Every cloud and all that…

This is another sickly song, no thank you Ellie. I like the middle 8 though…

I can’t help but feel like kaushik (6) was coming for DJHazey with this comment:

It feels very something an American teen-pop princess would record. Filler, at best.

After a promising start, the track came crumbling around ohnostalgia (6.5):

The opening riff was really promising, but it quickly crumbles into a middling mess overly reliant on a mind numbing beat. I really don't like when Ellie almost shouts her way through a chorus; it makes me wonder if she can carry a tune.

I'm not sure if I'd call this a 'creative risk' but you do you, Slice of Life (7)...

Cute production. I'm here for this although this doesn't really suit her. But you gotta celebrate creative risks. Kii.

‘Brand of high notes’, what ARE you on about DJHazey (7)??

Not really here for the particular brand of high notes Ellie brings to the table this time. It's melodically pleasant enough to earn a decent score though.

Looking on the more positive side, Remyky22 (8) branded this ‘a cute little song’, while First2Run (8) praised it for being 'so sweet and bubblegum'.

For once Mikey1707 (9), I 100% agree with U!

Fun, breezy, life giving. Loses a point for using “U” instead of “You”. This is 2016 Ellie, not 2003.

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I can’t help but feel like kaushik (6) was coming for DJHazey with this comment:

It feels very something an American teen-pop princess would record. Filler, at best.

‘Brand of high notes’, what ARE you on about DJHazey (7)??

Not really here for the particular brand of high notes Ellie brings to the table this time. It's melodically pleasant enough to earn a decent score though.

Okay but Dignity is a thing that an American teen-pop princess did, and there is not one second of filler on that entire album.

I just meant that her high notes weren't working for me on this song, because as you know from my commentary and anyone would know because of me at anytime like ever, high notes and particularly the high notes from Ellie in this case, are almost always fine with me.
Mmm, it's my note and commentary for Tessellate [Alt-J cover]. I gave Midas Touch a 6. And it's not jazzy at all. Great hosting otherwise, nice pace.
Mmm, it's my note and commentary for Tessellate [Alt-J cover]. I gave Midas Touch 6. And it's not elevator music at all. Great hosting otherwise, nice pace.
