This Rate (Will Be My Downfall) - The Ellie Goulding rate (WINNER ANNOUNCED - I'M FREE)

When everyone heard the Leona version and found Ellie had only changed one word to snatch that writing credit... scream.

Also "Burn" cannot be posted without the accompaniment of this cringefest:

Okay, so this is the RED tour...

Okay so... FIRE is RED

London... *coy head tilt* ...what does fire do?



Burn didn't deserve to stick around for so long. I thought I was generous with my scores, but 10s, really?

Burn, Around U, Scream It Out, Midas Touch, The Greatest - whole load of filler and crap. Good to see them all go. There's still plenty from Delirium left to go..
Also remember when she did "Burn" on X Factor three whole months after it went to #1. Such a troll.

And not helping Goodness Gracious become the hit it should have been in the process...
Burn is no loss on the grand scheme of things, it's a middling song that enabled her to continue with her Pop career on the same budgets so it's not all bad, it's just not that good.


My location is always on for you, love...
Burn represents nothing about Ellie as an artist except her ability to sell out for "coin". Not deserving of its number 1 chart placing and the fart-like intro synths give me dread. Shame on Tedder for creating this and Ellie deserves none of the writing credits money.
So let me get this straight because this is honestly weirding me out:

Y'all hate Burn because it's against your view of her (that she's not gonna sell out) and not because of the actual merit of the song???

Sis, this actual merit you speak of is nowhere to be found on Burn.
