Top of the Pops BBC4

That's different from editing it out and the show having no ending or a weird ending. Like I said where they've made edits they've tried to do it in a way that most people wouldn't even notice. It's perfectly understandable why they'd rather just skip the episodes than edit out the #1.
It's also about money: it would cost the BBC to book an edit suite and hire someone qualified to make those changes. Clearly someone thought that would be worthwhile in the case of 1977: Big Hits, but I doubt they would view removing R Kelly or Puff Daddy as worth shelling out for …
It's also about money: it would cost the BBC to book an edit suite and hire someone qualified to make those changes. Clearly someone thought that would be worthwhile in the case of 1977: Big Hits, but I doubt they would view removing R Kelly or Puff Daddy as worth shelling out for …

They do still regularly do edits though. I think it's more about whether the edit can be done cleanly without the end result looking weird.
What was the version of You Got The Love? It has slightly different instrumentation to the version I know from 1997

I don't think it's available apart from on the video. It has a longer intro and a nice extra "I know my saviour's love is real" before the final "you got the love"s at the end.

I know that there is supposed to be an earlier version of the Now Voyager Mix which directly sampled Clubbed To Death, which had to be changed for the commercial release. Perhaps the video edit is a version that came before the final single edit.

I'm on a wild goose chase trying to find that original mix now. It's on here so I might end up buying it unless anyone can find it online.
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I don't think it's available apart from on the video. It has a longer intro and a nice extra "I know my saviour's love is real" before the final "you got the love"s at the end.

I know that there is supposed to be an earlier version of the Now Voyager Mix which directly sampled Clubbed To Death, which had to be changed for the commercial release. Perhaps the video edit is a version that came before the final single edit.

I'm on a wild goose chase trying to find that original mix now. It's on here so I might end up buying it unless anyone can find it online.

The nostalgia that takes over me every time I see a video from VH1 Europe with that strap. This would have been ripped about 20-21 years ago, where does time go.
Belatedly caught up with last Friday's 1997 editions – which boasted some subtle but noticeable shifts in style under new producer Mark Wells …
— captions only at the end of a performance, not at the start
— end credits played over much longer video clip
— no more plugs for TOTP2 on the end credits

I had a sense that Ric Blaxill might be leaving after a couple of Hitchcockian on-screen appearances (is he the first and possibly only TOTP producer to put himself in front of the camera?) – and I'd say that unfortunately the energy he brought to the show starts to become rather conspicuous by its absence. Wells was a more traditional light entertainment choice – which might have inadvertently helped usher in the, ahem, different approach taken by Andi Peters that hammered so many nails into the show's coffin. Such a shame Blaxill couldn't/wouldn't stay on (I don't know anything about the circumstances surrounding his exit).

Possibly related question: was Mark Morrison's 'Moan And Groan' banned by TOTP (and maybe also R1)?
