Wildcard Speculation

So what actually happens I wonder if all four go through or do the public pick one to go to the live shows.
The public can't just pick one as that would give whoever had an extra act an advantage over the rest of them! It wouldn't be fair!


The future isn't looking good for Cheryl this year. Katie and Cher won't get far, and I doubt Rebecca will win. TreyC does have a chance, but she is like the "generic diva" who isn't very connected with the audience at home.
I think the wild car would have been better if they'd let the public choose them... they're not really 'wildcards' just 'judges next choice'
Seanie said:
I think the wild car would have been better if they'd let the public choose them... they're not really 'wildcards' just 'judges next choice'

Sadly that is true the wildcard picks apart from treyc also have no chance of doing well.I disagree though I dont think treyc is a generic diva her You Got the Love and Creep show she has more range and could do a variety of styles.The trouble is Cheryl will no way want her to be a threat to Cher so I imagine she will get poor songs and be restyled to look a mess.
They are wild cards if the public can only vote one of those 4 new entries back into the contest permanently.

I doubt all four will be added.
So it's just going to be a top16 now then? That's far too many. They will have to do a few double eliminations. I hope it is that the public vote just one back in, even if that does give one judge an advantage.

They couldn't be more obvious with Diva Fever and Wagner that they are just putting people through who they know will be voted out straight away. Whats the point?
Alex___ said:
But then one of the judges would have an extra act, and that wouldn't be fair.
Or wouldn't it matter?

It wouldn't matter. The argument would be that they all had equal chance to have an extra act voted in and the public made their choice.

I doubt they'll be 16 finalists. 13 is much more manageable.
Even that is ridiculous if the public vote in just one wildcard yet more ways to make money.Well I hope now it is Wagner and he wins just to kill the brand off.
benm said:
Even that is ridiculous if the public vote in just one wildcard yet more ways to make money.
What did you think the whole purpose of the show was?
I am sad that Princes and Rouges havent made it, it thought there was something intresting about them

TreyC is fantastic singer, no doubt, but she yet to mark herself apart. I see Diva Fever winning the wild card, which is rather predictable but that is X-factor for you!
Robsolete said:
Bloody hell, it would be horrible if Diva Fever made it through. They were fun for about 2 minutes, if that.
Well, I think they stand a chance of being chosen if the other wild card choices are true....
Surely Treyc would be more popular than Diva Fever? Although some people might be annoyed that bloody Gamu isn't back and vote against her.
For that reason - for Cheryl and Treyc's sake, I hope they EXPLAIN the Gamu thing properly at the start, OR at least that it gets a lot of press coverage over the week so nobody holds it against Treyc!

If she gets to sing, my hope is she will surely have it in the bag? I will probably cry if Diva Fever, Wagner or Paije beat her in..
If they perform, it would be a joke if she didn't make it through. She's probably a better singer than anyone in the top 12 as it is. You know what the public are like though, if they don't explain it properly then I wouldn't be at all shocked if people vote against her in protest.
Robsolete said:
If they perform, it would be a joke if she didn't make it through. She's probably a better singer than anyone in the top 12 as it is. You know what the public are like though, if they don't explain it properly then I wouldn't be at all shocked if people vote against her in protest.

Treyc is in a no win situation, some people will be angry at her for taking what they feel is Gamu's place and may not vote for her.I hope they dont offer any explanations and draw a line under the whole thing. Do we really want to see Saint Cheryl back on the cross with her fake tears.Plus even if treyc goes through there is no way Cheryl will do right by her no one can come between a win for her mini me Cher.
The wildcards should be the 4 contestants who are most deserving of a place rather than being 1 from each category.

There's no need for the Over-28s or Groups to have a wildcard, it's kinda pointless...
