Wildcard Speculation

Sober x said:
The wildcards should be the 4 contestants who are most deserving of a place rather than being 1 from each category.

There's no need for the Over-28s or Groups to have a wildcard, it's kinda pointless...

How dare you Wagner has as much right to his wildcard as anyone who else has hair and clothes like that and as The Sun says can sing " You've Got The Loaf " with so much feeling.
Grace Dent described Diva Fever as "sounding like a rough fight in an alley behind the Vauxhall Tavern" which i think rather talks them up somehwhat...


I hope TreyC gets through. She's got that gritted teeth determination and work ethic that La Lorenzo had. I think she'd really enjoy the competition and thrive on it.
I hope TrayC gets through but I think Paije has it in the bag.

I really do like Paije and think out of all of them (now Gamu seems definately out) he is probably the only one who could win the wildcard place and stand a real chance of winning the whole thing... however I think he could also quite easily come back next year, TrayC I fear may not.
slimane said:
I hope TreyC gets through. She's got that gritted teeth determination and work ethic that La Lorenzo had. I think she'd really enjoy the competition and thrive on it.

Also, she's got the bloody voice for it! This is the second year where she should have flown through to the live finals, you're exactly right, she'd be one act who I think would flourish under the pressure, she seems ready.
All that the 'wildcard' has given us this year is Paije. TreyC and her faux-nervosa will only get her so far before people start to realise she's more than a little up herself, and the other two acts are deadwood.
Treyc could sing Paije off stage, whether she is arrogant/confident or not though.

This isn't really a Wildcard in the slightest though is it. It's just the judges getting an extra person than usual.


Diva Fever were great last night.

Wagner was NOT.

Paije was fantastic, if a little empty.

TreyC was great, but she's so distant from the audience in every sense, it's slightly cringeworthy.
I felt really disappointed with Diva Fever. Paije --- Cheryl mentioning Mr Motivator was the highlight of my week.
JadeFan said:
Diva Fever were great last night.

Wagner was NOT.

Paije was fantastic, if a little empty.

TreyC was great, but she's so distant from the audience in every sense, it's slightly cringeworthy.

I think Treyc was just not comfortable or happy with that horrendous hooker meets Bet Lynch outift that she was forced to wear.She could not move and the necklaces hanging off her were a distraction.I think she did a clear, emotive and one of the best performances of One that I have heard though.
JadeFan said:
benm said:
JadeFan said:
Actually, she reminded me more of Prince William's girlfriend from the Little Miss Jocelyn show (hair-wise).


Thats a terrible thing to say and distasteful.She looked nothing like that and is the complete opposite.Treyc is clearly an act with some class so not sure why Cheryl is trying to C H A V her up.

Calm down! I said 'hair-wise'.
Again there is no possible resemblance even hair-wise and your post is just rude.


benm said:
JadeFan said:
benm said:
JadeFan said:
Actually, she reminded me more of Prince William's girlfriend from the Little Miss Jocelyn show (hair-wise).


Thats a terrible thing to say and distasteful.She looked nothing like that and is the complete opposite.Treyc is clearly an act with some class so not sure why Cheryl is trying to C H A V her up.

Calm down! I said 'hair-wise'.
Again there is no possible resemblance even hair-wise and your post is just rude.
Well, your post is even more rude if you think ' C H A V ' is a derogatory term, so look at yourself before you start judging me. I said "reminded me" hence it won't necessarily remind you of it, nor did I say that the character resembles TreyC exactly (which it doesn't.)

OhYeah said:
Diva Fever make me ashamed of being gay.

What a brilliant post. Well done you.

It's not Diva Fever making you ashamed. It's your self-loathing and the fact you've been conditioned by gay society to believe that any gay man who is outré or camp is 'a bad gay'.

Here's a solid gold factlet for you: you know how on TV most gay characters are 'straight-acting'? The clue's in the word 'acting'; there are plenty of camp gay men out there. It may be a stereotype, but they do exist in large number, and no amount of internalised homophobia is going to change that.
Fluorescent pink cycling shorts and sparkly purple suits are slightly beyond discussions of camp, really. There's nothing wrong with being camp but that was pushing it to a faintly deranged level i'd say.

They shouldn't be there because they're crap, is the real issue. I didn't find them entertaining, just cringey in the same way that Same Difference, Jedward and that boyband who did 'I Don't Feel Like Dancing' were. When I watch those performances I wonder why anyone (gay or straight) would willingly go along with it.
Maureen said:
What a brilliant post. Well done you.

It's not Diva Fever making you ashamed. It's your self-loathing and the fact you've been conditioned by gay society to believe that any gay man who is outré or camp is 'a bad gay'.

Here's a solid gold factlet for you: you know how on TV most gay characters are 'straight-acting'? The clue's in the word 'acting'; there are plenty of camp gay men out there. It may be a stereotype, but they do exist in large number, and no amount of internalised homophobia is going to change that.

Calm down and quit bawling, as I've said in the Diva Fever thread, it's not them being camp that I dislike, it's the fact that it just reminds me that the general public do not take gay people seriously at all and just like to have them around as big poofy fun things that like to dance. This was displayed from the minute these boys auditioned. Ignoring their Beatles song and the fact that they have decent voices, they've been reduced to dancing around to Boney M in neon spandex.

Some of us have degrees and aspirations, and it doesn't help when the stereotype that all we do is dance around with a feather boas is being shoved in our faces so all we contend with in our lives are girls who want to be our pals cos we're SO FUN and nobody taking us seriously ever.

But thanks for your amazing analysis on my self-loathing and social conditioning.
